


英國生化武器實驗室據宣稱 找到證據烏克蘭豬流感已經變種
UK bioweapons lab allegedly finds evidence swine flu has mutated in the Ukraine

Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 November 2009 12:04
Tuesday, 17 November 2009 11:53

News - Latest News


Doctors on the ground in the Ukraine have reported people haved died from the pneumonia plague but scientists from the Uk bioweapons lab, the Institute of Medical Research at Mill Hill, now appear to be claiming that the swine flu virus has mutated to become more virulent and is causing large numbers of deaths.
在烏克蘭地上的醫生報告人們死於肺炎瘟疫,但英國生化戰爭實驗室-the Institute of Medical Research at Mill Hill現在出來宣稱,那豬流感病毒已經變種成更劇毒和引致大數目死亡。

WHO has confirmed that „no significant changes in the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus“ has taken place „based on investigations of samples taken from patients in Ukraine“ but has not released the sequences. WHO has also not investigated the appearance of the plague, it seems.
但世衛亦證實"那流行性的H1N1 2009病毒沒有顯著改變發生",建基於調查由烏克蘭病人取回來的樣本,但沒有放出那基因排列;看來,世衛亦沒有調查瘟疫出現情况。

Will WHO and their allies in UK labs use the pandemic plague as a cover for introducing a genetically modified, virulent virus into vaccines?

Check out the ukraineplague.blogspot.com for updates:

Influenza in Ukraine mutated and burns the lungs, British Scientists say

British scientists studying a strain of swine influenza, because of which the epidemic began in Ukraine, suspect that there was a dangerous virus mutation, writes Daily Mail.

Некоторые симптомы, по словам врачей напоминают вирус "испанки", вспыхнувшей в Европе после Первой мировой войны. Some of the symptoms, doctors say resemble virus "Spanish flu" outbreak in Europe after the First World War. Тогда от вируса умерло по меньшей мере 20 миллионов человек, передаёт InoРressa . Then the virus have died at least 20 million people, reports InoRressa.

В пользу версии о мутации вируса, по словам врачей, говорит то, что лёгкие жертв болезни становятся чёрными, как уголь. In favor of the version of mutation of the virus, according to doctors, said that the lungs of victims of the disease are black as coal.

"Мы провели вскрытие двух жертв и обнаружили, что их лёгкие чёрные, как уголь. Они выглядят так, будто они сгорели. Это ужасно", - сказал один из исследователей. "We conducted an autopsy of the two victims and found that their lungs are black as coal. They look as if they were burned. It's terrible," - said one of the researchers.

В свою очередь, главный врач Львовской больницы скорой помощи Мирон Борисевич определил диагноз, как вирусная пневмония. In turn, the chief doctor of the Lviv Emergency Hospital Miron Borisevich identified diagnosed as viral pneumonia.

"Мы не верим, что это свиной грипп А/H1N1. Но мы не знаем, что это за пневмония", - рассказал он. "We do not believe that this swine influenza A/H1N1. But we do not know what kind of pneumonia," - he said.

Отметим, что раньше сильное влияние нового штамма гриппа на лёгкие было обнаружено в ходе опытов на животных. Note that before strong influence of a new strain of influenza in the lungs was found during experiments on animals. Исследователи из Японии, проверяя действие новых лекарств от свиного гриппа, подтвердили, что болезнь передаётся воздушно-капельным путём и не всегда через непосредственный контакт. Researchers from Japan, testing of new drugs against swine flu, confirmed that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and not always through direct contact. Кроме того, они пришли к выводу, что A/H1N1 сильнее, чем обычный грипп, поражает лёгкие. In addition, they concluded that A/H1N1 is stronger than the usual flu affects the lungs.

Именно так действовал в свое время вирус "испанки". This is acted at the time the virus "Spanish flu". Как установили учёные, он вызывал неконтролируемую реакцию иммунной системы, принуждая иммунные клетки атаковать органы респираторной системы. As established scientists, it caused an uncontrolled reaction of the immune system, forcing the immune cells attack the organs of the respiratory system. Такая реакция, как показали опыты на животных, в считанные дни уничтожала их лёгкие и приводила к смерти. Such a reaction, as shown by experiments on animals, in a few days destroyed their lungs and lead to death. Total in the Ukraine of influenza epidemic of complications 299 people died.

Напомним, раньше группа черновицких медиков во главе с начальником бюро Черновицкой областной судмедэкспертизы, профессором Виктором Бачинским , пришла к выводу, что 22 человека, умершие на Буковине за время эпидемии гриппа, погибли от вирусного дистресс-синдрому , то есть тотального поражения лёгких. Recall earlier Chernivtsi Medical Group, headed by the Chief of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, Professor Victor Bachinsky, concluded that 22 people have died in Bukovina during the influenza epidemic, died of viral distress syndrome, ie the total destruction of the lungs.

По словам медиков, эта болезнь, возникшая в результате смешивания штаммов обычного и свиного гриппа, является новой для Украины, потому необходимо срочно менять методы её лечения. According to doctors, the disease has arisen as a result of mixing conventional and swine strains of influenza, is new to Ukraine, because an urgent need to change its methods of treatment.

These reports are in Direct disagreement to the WHO report below - saying it is the Swine Flu! I thought the WHO looked out for the best interest of the people of the world and their health. But considering they used 34 samples ONLY to test for the Swine Flu or what the is spreading in the Ukraine - I believe they Chose the samples they wanted to (as I mention below). No wonder the Ukraine shut down their one lab last week, they don't want them to disagree with the WHO's findings!

Posted by Sherrie Questioning All at 7:09 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Labels: black lungs, bleeding lungs, Ukraine, ukraine plague, WHO



17 November 2009 -- Preliminary tests reveal no significant changes in the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus based on investigations of samples taken from patients in Ukraine. Analyses are being performed by two WHO influenza collaborating centres as part of the global influenza surveillance network.

Preliminary genetic sequencing shows that the virus is similar to the virus used for production of the pandemic influenza vaccine, reconfirming the vaccine's efficacy at this time.

Related links

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009

Additional questions about the pandemic virus circulating in Ukraine will be answered as more data is available.

WHO commends the government of Ukraine for its open sharing of samples to inform global monitoring of the virus for signs of change.

A total of 34 samples were analysed independently by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza, Mill Hill in London, UK, and the WHO Collaborating Centre for the Surveillance, Epidemiology and Control of Influenza in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Now, I get it!! They ONLY used 34 samples to Test! So, Did they take those samples from those who had the bleeding lungs? Or did they ONLY use those, who had the symptoms of the Swine Flu?

In my opinion - I bet they conveniently chose, used and tested the certain samples they wanted to for the outcome they wanted. Sorry, but the symptoms of what is occurring does NOT match the Swine Flu! I also go back to the fact, if this is the case then WHY did the police Need to take the medical records from the hospitals? Sorry, now I do believe they will hide the truth - this report ultimately boils down to them saying "Take the Vaccine"!

I now question if the Truth will ever come out - Maybe some Biologist will do testings on the samples from people who have died with the bleeding lungs. But I guess they will fear for their lives at the same time, since being a Biologist in the last few years has been a very dangerous profession to be in, with all the deaths/murders that have occurred of them.
Check out this link for that information on Steve Quayle's site, I warn you the list is long!

http://www.theflucase.com/index. ... emid=64&lang=en
