

豬流感戰士: 中國大蒜價錢狂升

China Proclaims Garlic 'The Swine Flu Fighter' Of 2009
Last Updated on Thursday, 31 December
2009 01:13 Thursday, 31 December 2009 00:53

Garlic prices soar in China amid flu fears
By Calum MacLeod, USA TODAY

BEIJING-- Garlic prices have jumped so high in China that the crop has outperformed gold and stocks to be the country's best performing asset this year. As H1N1 swine flu continues to worry China's leaders — who are rolling out a nationwide vaccine program — its people seek a more traditional remedy. Just as some Chinese turned to turnips to prevent the SARS virus in 2003, garlic has emerged as a swine flu fighter in 2009. "Garlic kills bacteria, and I eat at least half a bulb each day," says Liu, 43, whose prices have leapt from just five cents per pound in February to almost 55 cents today. The soaring costs still raise eyebrows on China's streets. "How can it be this expensive?" asks Zhao Wenjing, a Beijing nurse buying garlic Monday. "I haven't cooked for a long time, but I heard some doctors said it could prevent H1N1, so I came to buy some, although I don't actually like the smell," says Zhao, 26. Read full story

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There are several ways of odorless use of garlic - sample advice here: http://www.howtogetridofstuff.com/odor-removal/how-to-get-rid-of-garlic-smell/

“瘋狂的大蒜”貴過豬肉 身價短期暴漲100倍
