


NWO prepares US bases for attack on Venezuela

Topic started on 13-11-2009 @ 11:47 AM by Amagnon


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EDIT: Removing references to Obama - people seem to think he is relevent - he is just a puppet, but people get distracted by it.

It seems that the NWO is not content with the ongoing occupation of Iraq, and Afghanistan.

The Iraq occupation, universally recognized as being based on false pretense and lies, was responsible for displacing 4 million people, killing up to 1 million civilians, and amoral theft of Iraqs oil, oil profits that rightly belong to the Iraqi people, but instead fill the coffers of corporations of the NWO.

The invasion of Afghanistan, once again based on preposterous lies is responsible for the death of thousands of civilians, and the displacement of more than a million. The ongoing conflict is undermining the stability of nuclear armed Pakistan, and fueling anti US sentiment throughout the region and the Muslim world. However, the poppy fields are flourishing, and with the ongoing defense spending, both are funneling wealth into the pockets of the NWO.

Not content with current numbers the NWO contemplates increasing the US forces by as much as 40,000 troops to combat the remaining suspected 100 Al Quaida operatives in the area.

Another symptom of discontent in bringing peace to the world through the barrel of a gun, the US puppets have recently signed an agreement with Columbia for the expansion and use of military bases within the country.

This is all being done to promote peace, of course, which any sane person knows is what you have when everyone who disagrees with you is dead.

Included is information pertaining to the military bases in Columbia.

This is preparation for another war of aggression against Venezuela - who's unforgivable crime is the nationalization of their oil reserves, so that money can be spent on education and improvement of living standards for the poor.

If only they had let the NWO oil corporations continue to bleed the country to death, and hadn't told the NWO's IMF to go f-k itself .. hmm .. bend over and take it like a slave, its a sure recipe for peace when dealing with the NWO.

After several months of secrecy and controversy, on October 28th the US and Colombia signed an agreement to allow the US military extensive access to seven Colombian bases, notwithstanding serious concerns about true intentions and eventual consequences.

Of course anything signed in secret is obviously good for everyone - otherwise, why would you keep it secret? It would be paradoxical. This is just the NWO's version of a surprise birthday party for Chavez.

Not only that, but similar assurances by Colombian Defense Minister Gabriel Silva that the agreement "has no geopolitical or strategic connotation, other than being more effective in the fight against drug trafficking" are even more hard to believe after reading a recently-uncovered Pentagon budget document that expresses clear regional intentions for the Palanquero base. The document describes the U.S. presence in Palanquero as an “opportunity for conducting full spectrum operations throughout South America,” and confirms the fears of Colombia’s neighbors when it discusses the possibility of using the base to confront the "threat" of what it calls "anti-US governments." The most chilling phrase, however, is the discussion of the potential use of Palanquero to “expand expeditionary warfare capability.”

Presidential candidate and Senator Gustavo Petro urged the Colombian government to renounce the deal, calling it illegal without Congressional approval and pointing to the regional tensions it has fueled.


Both the US and Colombia have stressed their aim is to use the bases to combat drug trafficking and rebels.

Drug traffickers are mainly CIA agents - so seven military bases to combat them is reasonable of course.

"The agreement has no geopolitical or strategic connotation, other than being more effective in the fight against drug trafficking," he said.

Yes, yes - of course - troops are needed, and planes, tanks, and certainly nuclear weapons.

Tensions flared again between the two countries on Sunday, when the Venezuelan leader called Mr Silva "mentally retarded" on his weekly TV show.

"He is following instructions from the empire, because in Colombia, it's not the Colombians who make the decisions. It's the Yankee empire who decides," Mr Chavez said, referring to Colombia's links with the US.

Outrageous - he should apologize, it is not politically correct to point out others congenital mental deficiencies.

Columbia can hardly refuse the offer - and its citizens had damn well better be happy. Nothing like putting a gun to someones head to achieve a wonderful level of friendship and compliance.


The 10-year deal signed last Friday during a brief closed-door ceremony in Bogota envisions the deployment of some 800 U.S. military personnel and 600 civilian contractors at seven military bases in Colombia.

Sure, 800 men - it really only takes a couple getting killed to necessitate an 'expanded role' in the region - never heard that rhetoric before.


Here is a decent documentary on Chavez - if you haven't seen it - I suggest you look. This is the guy they want you to hate, along with all the members of a country rich in oil, but impoverished by foreign oil corporations.


