


Prophets, Planets and Physicists Align On California Quake
2011年3月26日 上午 09:24:50
by Zen Gardner
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Several stories have been running about the likelyhood of a significant California quake sometime very soon. In addition to the increased overall activity around the Ring of Fire preceding and following Japan's mega quake, USGS geologist Jim Berkland (watch  HERE) and the Russian Institute of Physics and the Earth are forecasting an event specifically in the western United States.
幾個故事已在流傳關於很快某個時候重大的加州地震的可能性,除了圍繞火圈增加的整體活動​​在日本的超級大地震之前和之後,美國地質調查局的地質學家吉姆Berkland(看這裡 HERE)及俄羅斯物理和地球研究所都在預測一宗事件,特別是在美國西部。
Influences on the earth include a disturbed magnetosphere and axis shift, greatly increased solar activity and a recent "super moon" where the moon has been the nearest to earth in 18 years.

But more things are lining up
Between March 28th and June 9th several alignments will be taking place in our solar system, exerting extra pull on our planet.
Feb 23, 2011: Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planetary bodies in the solar system, stood directly opposite to one another across the sun. (Christchurch New Zealand quake was the 22nd!)

March 28th: the earth passes between Jupiter and Saturn with them still one degree from being directly opposite across the sun. (3 days from the time of the this post..)

April 3rd: the earth moves between the sun and Saturn at the new moon. Late that day there is a close line up of the sun, the moon, the earth and Saturn.

April 6th: the sun moves between Jupiter and the earth.

April 9th: Mercury moves between the sun and the earth.

Definitely something to take into account and keep an eye on.
Here's an alignment to look out for.

What the Prophets Say
"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring." Lk. 21:25
日 月 星 辰 要 顯 出 異 兆 . 地 上 的 邦 國 也 有 困 苦 . 因 海 中 波 浪 的 響 聲 、 就 慌 慌 不 定 . 路 加 福 音 21:25
"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall
be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles.." Mk. 13:8
民 要 攻 打 民 、 國 要 攻 打 國 、 多 處 必 有 地 震 、 饑 荒 . 這 都 是 災 難 的 起 頭 。 〔 災 難 原 文 作 生 產 之 難 〕馬 可 福 音13:8
Pretty clear there.

Edgar Cayce, America's "sleeping prophet" spoke about a cataclysm involving California at the turn of the century.
“The first sign of this change in the Earth's core would be the ‘breaking up of some conditions’ in the South Pacific and "sinking or rising" in the Mediterranean or Etna area. Cayce forecast that, by the end of the century, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be destroyed.
“第一個在地球的核心的變化跡像,會是在南太平洋的'一些情況的崩潰,'和在地中海或埃特納火山區的”沉下或升起“ 。凱西預測,到世紀末,紐約、洛杉磯和舊金山會被銷毀。
Edgar Cayce said that "the greater portion of Japan must go into the sea" at this time. Source
Will it get much worse in Japan? Will the sinking radioactive materials cause more cataclysms? Hang in there...

The Hopi Prophecies according to one post (the Hopi are beautiful, spiritual people):


There are lots more prophecies, but that's a taste of prophetic mentions of a coming California quake. Keep searching.

The media seems to be finally acknowledging these drastic changes:
Even Newsweek is getting the drift...whoduthunk?
即使新聞周刊也在漂泊... whoduthunk?

What About A Dwarf Sun, Nibiru or Nemesis?
Good questions. Lots of scientific confusion and cover up here as well. One minute they're reporting spotting these things, next minute silence. One can only be led to believe there is something entering, or soon to enter or pass nearby our solar system that we're not being told about. Look 'em all up, people.
If that truly is the case, tectonic activity is a given. With lots more to come.
A large body coming towards or passing our home solar system would also explain the increased asteroid activity being slung out of the oort cloud towards earth. The coming galactic alignment in the precession of the equinoxes is another big factor.
But it's hard to determine what are causes, what are effects, and what's the difference?...(there's some Zen...;)

CERN and HAARP Insanity
Just in case there isn't enough madness to go around, the idiot PTBs have to tinker with the planet's natural controls. The CERN particle colliding facility in Switzerland was firing up again the very day of the Japan quake.
以防萬一沒有足夠的瘋狂四圍走,白痴PTBs(Powers that be話事人們)要修補地球的自然控制。 CERN在瑞士的粒子碰撞設施再次發動,正值日本地震當天。
Shiva statue, occult god of destruction, at CERN facility..a little "giveaway"?

Incidentally......Newsweek has an "inside edge" on latest PTB stooge performing their occult based will...

And no one really knows what the mad HAARP idiots seem to fire this mega high frequency plasma generator for. We can only speculate and "reverse engineer" their intentions by dot connecting. But it too apparently was running the day of the Japan quake.

All we know is it can't be for anything good and has every nasty capability you can imagine.

(You'll notice the PTB's are also taking advantage of this vibrational shake up with invasions on the Middle East while undermining the world's economy, blanketed by a mass media hypnotic cover up of what's really happening. They don't play nice.)

What's wonderful is it's a living, amazing Universe of which we are an integral part, with a consciousness that is waiting to be explored and utilized. This little expletive of desperate entities exploiting natural changes will not last long, so don't fret or be discouraged.

Peace will reign. It does even now behind the violent foreground. Remember that.


(...and as for me? I'm peacefully preparing, packing and planning accordingly...on to greater synchronicities....)




CERN的LHC要關閉一年 以解決安全問題

Nibiru?? 新行星被發現- 四倍木星大小!



3月19日將現“超級月亮” 網上熱議會否引發極端天氣


最可怕的地震還在後頭 外媒:美國或將發生與日本一樣的大規模地震?



(英鏈) 石油巨頭將會否觸發新馬德里巨震?



Elenin Nibiru 棕矮星的新聞

彗星Elenin 是一干擾 行星X正從南方來

墨西哥加利福尼亞灣7.1 級地震 (+HAARP 圖)
