


BP Oil Spill whistleblowers and experts continue to mysteriously die
The Intel Hub
October 27, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

In the last year and a half at least 10 experts, whistleblowers and BP connected individuals have died under mysterious circumstances.

April 2, 2011 – Tucker Mendoza, gulf truth activist, shot four times through his front door.
2011年4月2日 - 塔克門多薩,海灣真相活躍份子,被射擊穿過前門四次。

February 17, 2011 – LSU scientist Gregory Stone, 54 – Died of Unknown Illness. Stone was an oft-quoted expert concerning the damage the leaked oil might cause to the coast.
2011年2月17日 - 路易斯安那州立大學54歲的科學家格雷戈里斯通 - 死於未知的疾病。思通是一位經常被援引的專家,關注漏油可能導致海岸的損害。

January 19, 2011 – Dr. Thomas B. Manton, former President and CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation – imprisonment and subsequent murder while jailed.
2011年1月19日 - 國際石油洩漏控制公司的前總統和首席執行官托馬斯B曼頓博士 - 在入獄時的監禁和隨後的謀殺。

December 31, 2010 – John P. Wheeler III, a former Pentagon official and presidential aide and a defense consultant and expert on chemical and biological weapons – was beaten to death in an assault, body was discovered in a Wilmington landfill.
2010年12月31日 - 約翰P惠勒三世,一位前五角大樓的官員和總統助手,和化學及生物武器的國防顧問和專家 - 在襲擊時被毆打至死亡,屍體被發現在威爾明頓的垃圾堆填區。

November 23, 2010 – James Patrick Black, an incident commander for BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill response team, died Tuesday night near Destin, Florida in a small plane crash.
2010年11月23日 - BP墨西哥灣漏油事件反應小組的事件指揮官詹姆斯帕特里克黑,週二晚在佛羅里達州近德斯廷死於小飛機墜毀。

November 15, 2010 – Chitra Chaunhan, age 33, worked in the USF Center for Biological Defense and Global Health Infectious Disease Research – Found dead in an apparent suicide.
2010年11月15日 - 33歲的Chitra Chaunhan,在USF的生物防禦和全球健康傳染病研究中心工作 - 被發現死於表面自殺。

November, 2010 – MIA Status – Dr. Geoffrey Gardner was investigating unexplained bird deaths near Sarasota abruptly and immediately closed his practice. No one has heard or spoken with him since.

October 6, 2010 – Roger Grooters, age 66, was hit by a truck and killed near the end of a 3,200-mile trans-America charity ride to raise awareness about the Gulf Coast oil disaster.

August 9, 2010 – Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, 86, was the recipient of a whistleblower’s communication relative to the BP Oil Disaster blow-out preventer, and a conspiracy of secrecy to hide the facts from the public. Killed in small plane crash.

August 13, 2010 – Matthew Simmons, age 67, only insider willing to speak out against the “officials” during the BP Oil Disaster. His body was found Sunday night in his hot tub, died from accidental drowning.

April 6, 2010 – Scientist Joseph Morrissey, age 46, was fatally shot during what police say was a home invasion robbery.

October 22nd/23rd 2011 – BP ROV pilot George Wainwright was killed in apparent freak shark attack off the cost of Australia where some believe he was hiding out in fear of his life.



