


IBM Simulates 4.5 Percent of the Human Brain and Might Make You Obsolete by 2019
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Kyle Wagner
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Human brain - Wiki image

Machines have been outperforming the human brain for a while now. Deep Blue vs. Garry Kasparov, Watson vs. Ken Jennings, Siri vs. my hungover inability to operate technology. Now IBM's Blue Gene is trying to not just outperform, but  simulate the whole damn human brain. It's 4.5 percent of the way there.
機器現在已超越人類的大腦一段時間了。深藍對卡斯帕羅夫、沃森對肯詹寧斯、錫裡對我無能操作科技的殘軀。現在IBM的藍基因(Blue Gene)正試圖不僅僅是超越,而且是模擬整個該死的人類大腦,是方式的4.5%。
The Blue Gene project was awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation in 2009, and just two years ago it needed 147,456 (then-Power-PC) processors to simulate a cat brain. It now has the cat simulation down to 24,576 processors, and has squeezed 4.5 percent of the human brain into the same 147,456 processors. And it's still on pace to finish the job of turning the human mind into a componentially-replicable thing by 2019, which researchers think will take about 880,000 processors. So you've got eight years to figure out a way to contribute to society that isn't wholly reliant on your brain. [IBM via Scientific American]
藍基因項目被頒授2009年的技術和創新國家勳章。剛在兩年前,它還需要147,456部(那時的電源 PC)處理器來模擬一個貓腦,現在它作貓模擬下跌至24,576部處理器,並已擠壓4.5%的人類大腦進入相同於147,456部處理器。而它仍步伐依然地去完成工作,到2019年將人腦轉變成一個成份地複製的東西,這研究人員認為,將需約88萬部處理器。所以你有8年去想出一個方法貢獻社會,而不完全依賴你的大腦。 [IBM通過科學的美國人]



貓比電腦聰明 美模擬貓腦研發新計算機
