


Mysterious Mass Cattle Deaths in Texas has U.S. Department of Agriculture baffled (June 24, 2012)

Genetically Modified Grass Kills Cattle By Producing Warfare Chemical Cyanide
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Another report of genetically modified creations taking the lives of livestock has hit the media, and this time genetically modified grass has been identified as the culprit according to CBS News.
Shockingly (and quite disturbingly), the GM grass actually produced toxic cyanide and sent the cattle into a life-ending fit that included painful bellowing and convulsions. The deaths have led to a federal investigation centered in Central Texas, where the cattle had resided.
Just east of Austin, the cows lived on an 80-acre ranch owned by Jerry Abel. Abel says that the fields were used for over 15 years for cattle grazing and hay, and that the genetically modified grass was ‘tested’ previously and should have been ‘perfect’. The GM grass however, known as Tifton 85, appears have been producing toxic cyanide.
Used as a genocidal agent in World War 2 by the Germans, and considered to be an extremely dangerous substance internationally, it is extremely concerning that cyanide is now being produced by once harmless grass thanks to the modification process.
The 18 cattle went off to enjoy some ‘fresh’ new genetically modified grass, when Abel says they went into a fit of convulsions and shrieks. He explains:
“When our trainer first heard the bellowing, he thought our pregnant heifer may be having a calf or something,” said Abel. “But when he got down here, virtually all of the steers and heifers were on the ground. Some were already dead, and the others were already in convulsions.”
“當我們的教練第一次聽到吼叫,他以為我們的懷孕母牛可能有小牛了或某些東西,”亞伯說, “但是當他落到這裡,幾乎所有的公牛和母牛都躺在地面上。有些已經死亡,及其它的都已在抽搐。“
Within 15 hours of this incident, all of the cattle had died as a result of the grass ‘suddenly’ producing cyanide and therefore throwing them into a lethal fit. According to USDA scientists, it may be the result of a mutation — the same kind of mutation that has been seen in many of Monsanto’s Roundup-Ready crops.
在這事件的15小時內,所有的牛群都死於草“突然”產生氰化物,及因此將牠們陷入致命的發作。根據美國農業部的科學家,它可能是基因突變的結果 - 相同種類的基因突變已見於許多孟山都的準備召集作物。
What’s more is the fact that many other farmers are now testing their grounds and also finding the presence of cyanide.

While there is not yet a large number of reports concerning cattle deaths from cyanide, it was recently revealed that one large biotech company Syngenta had been covering up further animal deaths from genetically modified corn.

