

(英鏈) 政府批出RFID設備合約將用於災難、傳染性疾病和我們的孩子

Gov't Contract RFID Devices To Be Used For Disasters, Pandemics and Our Children
Susanne Posel, Contributor
Activist Post Wednesday,
November 7, 2012

Pennsylvania schools are tracking 450 students with RFID devices around their necks during a study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh program called Social Mixing and Respiratory Transmission in Schools (SMART). Students in selected school districts will be monitored via RFID chips to see how many people each individual child comes into contact with to determine how a pandemic could be transmitted. Their social activities, conversations, proximity to others and shared items will be tracked as well. 賓夕法尼亞州學校以在他們脖子上的RFID設備追踪450名學生,是一項由美國匹茲堡大學計劃進行的研究稱為社會的混合和呼吸傳輸(SMART)。在選定的區域學生將被透過RFID晶片監控,看看有多少人每個獨立的孩童會接觸,來確定大流行如何可被傳播。他們的社交活動、對話,接觸他人和共享項目都將被追踪。

