

(英鏈) 伊波拉疫情可能已經無法控制; 當大流行蔓延,孟山都投資於伊波拉治療藥物公司

伊波拉疫情可能已經無法控制; 當大流行蔓延,孟山都投資於伊波拉治療藥物公司 
Ebola outbreak may already be uncontrollable; Monsanto invests in Ebola treatment drug company as pandemic spreads 
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Thursday, July 31, 2014

(NaturalNews) A global outbreak of deadly Ebola is underway and has crossed national borders. One infected victim of the horrifying disease flew on international flights, vomiting on board and exposing hundreds of people to the deadly virus which can be transmitted through airborne particles. Ebola has an 8-10 day incubation period, meaning thousands of people could be carrying it right now...

