
香港CNN - 假新聞

香港CNN - 假新聞

【2215 示威者向無綫新聞車淋水及拍打車身】


【撐警集會】大會稱 16.5 萬人參與 多名記者被辱罵襲擊

撐警示威者向《立場》女記者潑泥 辱罵「你做雞好過啦」


【撐警集會】林卓廷遭撐警市民圍毆 已報警赴瑪麗驗傷


黃洋達: [撐政府vs反政府]變咗【撐警vs仇警】!?












上帝= 愛+公義+烈火



「賣教者聯盟」四人幫 誘騙信徒放棄反惡法抗爭


特首林鄭月娥上周二舉行記者會假道歉,完全不回應民間任何訴求,引來全城鬧爆,然而,以「政協主教」鄺保羅為首的聖公會主教院,黃昏時段卻發出牧函,聲稱「林鄭月娥曾經表示,她希望多與市民接觸,聆聽多方意見。我們盼望特首經過此事後,除了向香港市民致歉外,更能如她的承諾,在未來的日子以最有誠意,最謙卑的態度,接受批評,加以改進,為廣大市民服務,建設香港。讓我們謙恭懇求上主,亦期盼所有香港市民與政府人員一同謀求全港之幸福,彼此加强溝通,彼此扶助、彼此坦誠、同心建立一個美好、和諧、 繁榮、公義、友愛,讓下一代充滿希望及機遇的香港。」在港人抗爭仍未有任何成果前,便接受林鄭道歉,又聲稱事件巳結束。
「無道院長」蔡少琪自上周起,不斷在其個人Facebook 發帖,抹黑勇武派魯莽、騎劫抗爭,又欺哄信徒放棄訴求及結束抗爭。他上周四發帖,引用羅馬書12章21節「以善勝惡」經文,呼籲信徒要「堅持以善勝惡!堅持被愛佔領」,迅即遭著名神學博客不點名駁斥解錯經文:「以善勝惡,不是有一個『善』的清單去守(愛、和平、理性、非暴力……),而是behave, perform, functional,你要做好、做對、做有用的事!」


It could be the first time we see irisdescent cloud in the sky of Hobg Kong. Spraying too much.

剛被氣象攝影大師確認此為虹彩雲 Iridescent Cloud

但係佢唔係彩虹 Rainbow

Search Google 了解更多



Kiowa Colorado #29jun



السحب العدسية في سماء #_إندونيسيا🇮🇩

非洲基督徒被告知: "你們有三天時間走人否則會被殺害!"

非洲基督徒被告知: "你們有三天時間走人否則會被殺害!"
Christians in Africa: "You have three days to go or you will be killed!"

June 30, 2019

  • "Christianity originated in the Middle East. Thus, the displacement or evacuation of Christians from the Middle East is very dangerous for the safety of the region... also in the Mediterranean Sea region. Europe is affected by this." — Egyptian Coptic Pope Tawadros II, in Germany, where he was inaugurating a new Coptic church for his exiled community. Deutsche Welle, May 14, 2019.
  • Regrettably, the tragedy of these Christian massacres is directly proportional to the neglect with which they are reported in the West.
  • "'Islamophobia' looms large; talk of 'Christophobia' is almost nonexistent". — Ross Douthat, "Are Christians Privileged or Persecuted?", The New York Times, April 23, 2019.
  • Algeria -- the country of origin of some of the Christian fathers such as Augustine of Hippo -- has become a country... where officially there are "no native Christians". How many other countries will meet the same fate? And will the West ever come to the help of their Christian brethren?

Persecution of Christians in the Middle East is now close to "genocide", a UK-commissioned report just revealed. The same threat has also become critical for Christian communities in Africa.
Some say it began in Algeria in the 1990s, when 19 monks, bishops, nuns and other Catholics were killed during the civil war. Since then, in Nigeria, Christian faithful have been massacred in their churches; in Kenya, Christians have been killed in universities; in Libya, Christians have been beheaded on beaches; in Yemen, nuns have been assassinated and in Egypt, massive anti-Christian violence is prompting an exodus. It is the new African archipelago of persecution.
Distressingly, these Christians have been finding themselves in the blind spot of the West: they are "too Christian" to get the Left's attention, but too far away for the Right. Africa's Christians are orphans. They have no "allies", John O'Sullivan writes.
Christian families recently fled the city of Diffa, in Niger, after Boko Haram delivered the message: "You have three days to go or you will be killed!". "There is no Christian anymore in this town", someone reportedto the non-governmental organization, the Barnabas Fund. The town, Arbinda, is in Burkina Faso. Numbers are telling: 82 pastors, 1,145 Christians and 151 households have fled from violence in the Muslim-majority nation. Just in the last few weeks, several of the Christian faithful and clergy have been murdered. Jihadists killed six Christians in a Catholic church in the town of Dablo. A pastor was murdered in an attack in Silgadji, Catholic parades have been targeted.
Jihadists apparently want to "cleanse" these areas of Christians -- and they are succeeding. "There is an atmosphere of panic in the town," the mayor of Dablo, Ousmane Zongo, said. "People are holed up in their homes, nothing is going on. The shops and stores are closed. It's practically a ghost town".
In Nigeria, attacks on Christians never stop. The country has become a "war zone for Christians".
"The attacks on Christians are growing more flagrant and more aggressive," Father John Bakeni from the Maiduguri Diocese, northern Nigeria, said. "We consider each day we live in safety a blessing because we do not know what will happen the next day".
"We Christians are at risk of extinction and an attempt is being made to Islamize the whole country because controlling Nigeria means expelling Christians from all of West Africa", said Father Joseph Fidelis Bature, a Catholic priest in the Nigerian diocese of Maiduguri, in the Italian monthly Tempi.
Unfortunately, we Westerners have a short memory. Al Qaeda's first attacks took place in Africa: the bombings against US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Africa matters for the West. That is why we should take this monstrous new anti-Christian persecution more seriously. "Christianity originated in the Middle East", the Egyptian Coptic Pope Tawadros II said in Germany, where he was inaugurating a new Coptic church in May for his exiled community. "Thus, the displacement or evacuation of Christians from the Middle East is very dangerous for the safety of the region, not only in the Middle East but also in the Mediterranean Sea region. Europe is affected by this, and the Arab countries as well". The West should take much more seriously these appeals from the Eastern Christian leaders.
With a secularized Europe and a Middle East close to becoming emptied of Christians, those jihadists who are obsessed with eradicating Christianity understand that their current ideological battlefield is in Africa. "By 2025, 50 percent of the (world's) Christian population will be in Africa and Latin America", wrote the scholar Philip Jenkins. The share of the world's Christians in sub-Saharan Africa is expected grow from 24% in 2010 to 38% by 2050. That is why jihadists there are pursuing a horrific project of religious cleansing.
"Christianity has literally 'gone south', exploding demographically in the developing world and augmenting ongoing sociopolitical turmoil in places such as West Africa", the Pew Forum reports. Radical Islam wants to stop this demographic movement, which Professor Philip Jenkins called "the largest religious change of any kind that has ever occurred".
According to another report, in one century the number of Muslims living in sub-Saharan Africa has increased more than 20-fold, rising from 11 million in 1900 to 234 million in 2010. At the same time, the number of Christians has grown 70-fold, rising from 7 million to 470 million. Sub-Saharan Africa now is home to 21% of all the Christians in the world and 15% of the world's Muslims. "Islamic extremism has two global centers of gravity, one in the Arab Middle East, but the other is in sub-Saharan Africa", researcher Ron Boyd-MacMillan noted in a report for Open Doors.
Every year, Open Doors lists the world's 50 worst persecutors of Christians. The list include 14 African countries, called home to "extreme" or "very high" levels of persecution: Algeria, the Central African Republic, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, and Tunisia. Mali, for instance, went from no listing to seventh place in just two years. In Kenya last year, Islamists forced passengers of a bus to present their identification cards. Then they separated Muslims and killed the two Christians.
Regrettably, the tragedy of these massacres of Christians is directly proportional to the neglect with which they are reported in the West. "One of the basic facts of contemporary religious history is that Christians around the world are persecuted on an extraordinary scale", Ross Douthat recently wrote in The New York Times.
"Yet as an era-defining reality rather than an episodic phenomenon this reality is barely visible in the Western media, and rarely called by name and addressed head-on by Western governments and humanitarian institutions. ('Islamophobia' looms large; talk of 'Christophobia' is almost nonexistent.)"
Jihadists know a secret: persecution works. Algeria -- the country of origin of some of the Christian fathers such as Augustine of Hippo -- has become a country that is 99.9% Muslim and where officially there are "no native Christians". How many other countries will meet the same fate? And will the West ever come to the help of their Christian brethren?



Severas inundaciones en la región de Irkutsk, Rusia, los habitantes indican que el agua llega hasta los segundos piso o más. 😱



Ancient Neanderthal Settlement Discovered In Israel

June 30, 2019

An ancient Neanderthal settlement was discovered at a site in northern Israel called Ein Qashish which dates back to the Middle Paleolithic period and lasted up until around 54,000 years ago. While Neanderthals have been linked to caves, this new discovery of the settlement indicates that they also lived in non-cave areas.
Researchers found several skeletal remains as well as more than 12,000 artifacts from the newly discovered settlement. These findings prove that Neanderthals lived there between 71,000 and 54,000 years ago, according to a team of researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The researchers used isotope analysis in order to determine how old the artifacts were and they discovered that they were from four different time periods. Since the animal bones and tools were modified, it shows that they used flinting tools and ate the animals while they were at the site.
It was previously believed that Neanderthals only used open-air settlements for short amounts of time for specific reasons, but since four different time frames were determined by the examination of the artifacts, it proves that they used the settlement on a more permanent basis.
“Ein Qashish is a 70-60 thousand years open-air site, with a series of stratified human occupations in a dynamic flood plain environment,” said Dr. Ravid Ekshtain who led the study. This discovery also raises questions in regards to the disappearance of Neanderthals, as well as their interactions with contemporaneous modern humans.
For the past 20 years, archaeologists have been excavating Neanderthal remains and artifacts in the northern part of Israel over a 1,200-square-kilometer area. In 2013, prior to a road being built at the location close to the Kishon River, the team from the Hebrew University were called in and they excavated around 670 square meters. That’s when they found the bones and artifacts that indicated Neanderthals once lived at Ein Qashish.
The study of Neanderthals is so fascinating, not only because they’re our ancient human ancestors, but that they mysterious died out approximately 50,000 years ago after living in a variety of different environments across Europe and Asia for hundreds of thousands of years. With this new discovery of an open-air settlement, we can now learn more about out ancient ancestors and how they lived so many years ago.


唔好丫!😢中環IFC女子墮樓倒臥馬路 送院搶救後不治


Zhita Wu:



Late. Wish her all the best:

中環IFC女子墮樓倒臥馬路 送院搶救後不治






Antifa attacks defenseless man.  Wonder what Cider Riot thinks about their customers attacking people.


Antifa kicks man on ground numerous times.  These are the same people I saw at Cider Riot.


'撒旦愛你' : 跟他一起進入火湖吧

'撒旦愛你' : 跟他一起進入火湖吧
'Satan Loves You' : Following him to the sea of ever burning fire

A snapshot of a Pride Parade .....
"Satan Loves You"  😡😡😡🤬🤬
And of course, children are present.
STOP THE MADNESS!!!   Satan will NOT win this fight - I'll make sure of that.  💯👊
#stopthemadness #conspiracygirl



Incredible view of the tornado near Martin, SD today!

Permission: Amie Kuxhaus


Wow! - Tornado this evening near Swett, South Dakota

Permission: Jake Langenbau
