



擲火標槍 🔥
Throwing with 🔥- Javelin Throw






“Romeo And Juliet” Teen Lovers From 4,000 Years Ago Found Buried Facing Each Other

July 31, 2019

The real life story of “Romeo and Juliet” has been uncovered in an ancient grave located in Kazakhstan. Inside the grave were the remains of two teenagers – 16 or 17 years old – and what’s so remarkable is that they were facing each other. The two young lovers appeared to have been so much in love that they wanted to be together in their afterlives as well. Their remains date back 4,000 years.
While their cause of death still remains a mystery for now, research will be conducted on them in order to find out more about them. What is known is that they were probably from noble families based on the location in which they were buried as well as the jewelry that was found on the teenage girl. Archaeologist Igor Kukushkin confirmed this by stating, “Most likely, the just discovered young couple belonged to noble families – the grave is rich.”

(Not the jewelry found in Kazakhstan)
The remains of the young couple were discovered in an ancient burial complex that consists of five hills that are located in a remote location in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. Gold and bronze items were found in the grave which included two bracelets on each of the teenage girl’s arms and solar pendants, as well as gold rings.
Pictures of the discovery can be seen here.
Interestingly enough, the grave wasn’t located too far from a suspected priestess from the ancient Alakul culture. She was buried with seven pots, ashes, and a skull. While other graves in the area were robbed, nobody wanted to take anything from this priestess’ grave. “Perhaps something here scared them away. Seven pots is an unusual number. Most likely she was a priestess,” explained Kukushkin.
Kazakhstan seems to definitely be a hot spot for discovering ancient artifacts, as just last year, archaeologists unearthed around 3,000 pieces of golden and precious items dating back 2,800 years. The large amount of jewelry – that was believed to have belonged to royals or elite members of the Saka people – was discovered in a burial mound in the remote Tarbagatai Mountains.

(Not the jewelry found in Kazakhstan)
Some of the thousands of items found were earrings that were in the shape of bells, chains, plaques, gold plates with rivets, and a necklace with precious stones. Gold beads that decorated their clothes proved exceptional jewelry-making skills for that time period. Pictures of the items that were recovered last year can be seen here.


"612人道支援基金" 既銀行戶口正正就係戴耀廷搞 "佔領中環" 時的籌款戶口

 "612人道支援基金" 既銀行戶口正正就係戴耀廷搞 "佔領中環" 時的籌款戶口

所謂既千二萬 "612人道支援基金"

有部份係因為615當日 "前線義士" 梁凌杰既犧牲

所以我地只係要求 "612人道支援基金"
去幫返 "前線義士" ,至少唔洗佢地抗爭到冇錢食飯
呢個要求過份咩?又要扣 "分化" 帽子?又要屈人誣捏?

當日打住 "前線義士" 既旗號籌錢,消費完人,
今日到要用錢,用返落 "前線義士" 身上既時候,


另外,呢個 "612人道支援基金" 既銀行戶口
佢地搞 "佔領中環" 時既籌款戶口



識去質疑其他慈善團體高昂既 "行政費",





Enfrentamientos de alta tecnología en Hong Kong: los manifestantes apuntan con láser a los agentes de policía para no ser identificados por dispositivos de reconocimiento facial




Las calles Leopold y Pinstone en el centro de la ciudad permanecen cerradas debido al enorme agujero que aparece en la carretera #16jul



Hong Kong police tortures the arrested protesters prior to legal procedures in order to deter them coming out for righteousness
希望多d 人知,你地既安穩背後有幾多血淚流緊。[原文from LIHKG]








5/8  企出嚟 ok?



White House Official says Chinese Forces are on Hong Kong's Border

White House Eyeing Chinese Forces Gathered on Hong Kong Border

US monitoring Hong Kong border as Chinese forces gather en masse

在抗議設置中打敗警方戰術 - 從黑群中學習

在抗議設置中打敗警方戰術 - 從黑群中學習















Defeating Police Tactics in Protest Settings- Learnings from the Black Bloc

Police Tactics and How To Defeat Them
The local, state and federal governments have unlimited tax dollars to use to control crowds at demonstrations and insurrections. We must develop ways to combat these technologies, and although we are in reality in a fight against technology, it would be naive to think we can use spears against these maniacs. Therefore, we need to find ways to eliminate police tactics. The following information are some common used tactics and best effective ways to beat them.
Riot Cop Gear and Equipment
To crush protests, police departments all over the world have invented countless methods. Some are new, others only adaptations of battle tactics from the ancient times. Just as importantly, new and much improved equipment has been issued to riot police squads, making them nearly unstoppable. On the right you can see how a regular American riot cop looked like at Seattle. In most European countries, similar equipment is used, although full body armor is not standard yet, therefore Plexiglas shields are used.
Much like a renaissance knight, a modern riot cop is wearing full body armor, heavy boots and a large helmet completely encasing the head and neck. He is practically invulnerable even to the hardest punches and kicks, as well as moderately protected against fire. Armed with a long baton and those killer boots, he can attack aggressively and efficiently.
What makes such a riot cop really effective, though, is constant radio communication. As you can see from the picture, each cop has two radio sets, one in the helmet and another for backup. This allows the riot police to coordinate their moves and sweep the streets with ease. If extra firepower is necessary, they can fire tear gas, rubber bullets or even deploy armored vehicles and water cannons.
Police Tactics and Their Defeat
Anyone with some knowledge of history can clearly see that most crowd control tactics are simply copied from ancient warfare. Riot police fight much like a Macedonian phalanx would back in 330 BC. There are adaptations, of course, but the basic concept is the same, meaning that similar countermeasures that had caused the demise of the phalanx as a military unit would have a similar effect if deployed nowadays against the police.
Most of the time, riot police are deployed in a long line formation, usually standing in front of important buildings or blocking streets. When these line formations are present, they are usually just one man deep, especially when they stand to protect property (see picture). These line formations only work when each officer is standing side by side to eachother. When dealing with narrow paths and small sidewalks, large obstacles (barricades) will split these line formations and cause their entire formation to fall apart.
When line formations have already formed, you can run your line into theirs.If they feel threatened, they can increase the distance between them and the protesters by firing tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets. Tear gas and pepper spray are also used to disperse crowds or at least soften them up prior to an attack. This where gas masks and shields come in. The police will not disperse any chemical agents unless they are wearing gas masks themselves. If they are wearing masks, and the Bloc is less than 20 feet away from the police formation, they will not fire tear gas cannisters because it may be damaging to the officers’ safety. They will however disperse pepper spray. To protect yourself from being directly hit with pepper spray, shields are a good idea. Click here for shield construction methods. When pepper spray is dispersed in an area, it can cause lung and throat difficulties to everyone surrounding it, even if they have not been directly sprayed. For this, a large cloth soaked in vinegar works great. Make sure that you carry plenty of water. When you are sprayed or gassed, pour lots of water over the exposed area. Gas masks are another alternative, yet are not always safe, being that they are illegal and can get you a nice conspiracy charge.
In attack, the line formation usually advances only after tear gas has been fired. On the move, policemen tend to march fairly slowly, not just because of the heavy armor but because they have to maintain the original formation at all costs. Only if the protesters are fleeing the scene will they sometimes try to chase them down.
First of all, it soon became apparent that no government could suppress large-scale protests just with the elite riot police. Their equipment was just too expensive and inevitably, regular police forces had to be called in as well. Of course, riot police was always tasked with guarding only the vital objectives while the regular police would normally just perform less important duty. Protesters would often take advantage of that and split themselves in two groups. One would attack the poorly defended positions by hurling rocks and firebombs. Since regular police could not sustain that for any longer period of time, the riot police would have to come to their aid. Then the second group of protesters would attack the now much weakened main objectives and possibly seize them.
If more aggressive approach was desired, one group of protesters would lead the police in a trap by making a quick assault and falling back immediately afterwards, as if fleeing the scene. The police would usually pursue them haphazardly, falling easy prey to a flanking attack of other protesters who would suddenly rush out from side streets.
Barricades are a great tool in creating chaos in the streets. When line formations start to advance on the Bloc, or when vehicles are called in (like the armored tank in Seattle), barricades are a great way to stop them. Barricades can be created out of just about anything. In the past, the concrete has been torn from the ground and piled up in the streets. Construction sites have those neat little barricades that can be stolen at night time. Take one and add your own things to it: barbed wire, bricks, basically anything that is heavy. You can also liberate police barricades from the scene and pile them up. Cars can be wonderful barricades and can be easily set on fire. Once again, be creative. Its not that hard to make a wonderful barricade. …source



A Saturday photo taken Near Burgas
 Photo: Daniela Stefanova




































C. S. Lewis Warned of Globalist Endgame 70 Years Ago, Spiritual Battle Gripping the Planet

July 22, 2019

“People often wonder “What is the next step? When is the thing beyond man going to appear?” “The Christian view is precisely that the Next Step has already appeared… He [Jesus Christ] is the origin and centre and life of all the new men.” – C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Steve Forbes recently toldMark Zuckerberg in an open letter that he should name Facebook’s digital currency the “Mark”. A religion seeking “the realization, acceptance, and worship” of an AI Godhead has been established. China’s social credit system is spreading across the world. Elon Musk just announced brain chips for all with his secretive Neuralink project that will give individuals the option to “merge with artificial intelligence”.


The fantastical state of the globe today would be unimaginable to most people 70 years ago, but Christian apologist and author C.S. Lewis foresaw it with uncanny accuracy. Widely known for his Christian literature like The Chronicles of Narnia, he possessed a profound insight into the mind of evil.
Interestingly, Lewis was recently discovered to have had some involvement with Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency.
Lewis’ various works have taken on a new level of prescience as he denounced transhumanism long before most of the world knew what it was, and offered an alternative rooted in the Christian faith.
He also saw the rise of moral relativism creating the perfect environment for scientific tyranny to take hold of humanity.
In the modern technological world, many people are experiencing a form of cognitive dissonance. We battle the subtle nagging feeling that we are going against the grain of something that is quietly, yet profoundly telling us to course-correct. Genetic memory tells many of us that we have somehow seen these things before, and that we need to resist.
As people become disoriented by the blinding advance of revolutionary technologies, Lewis’ philosophies and insights into the Christian faith can give us a better understanding of the truly spiritual battle we are facing.
C. S. Lewis’ 1945 book That Hideous Strength is a work of fiction – perhaps inspired by real world intel that Lewis was aware of – set amidst a supernatural battle between good and evil.
The book revolves around the “National Institute for Coordinated Experiments” (NICE) and the organization’s supernatural plot to seize control of all life.
Lewis writes,
“What should they [the elite] regard as too obscene, since they held that all morality was a mere subjective byproduct of the physical and economic situations of men?… From the point of view which is accepted in hell, the whole history of our earth had led up to this moment.”
Lewis says in Hiddeous Strength, again in 1945, that the elite of society will merge with technology and eliminate the masses. His words foreshadow statements made decades later by individuals like Sun Microsystems founder Bill Joy, who wrote an article in April of 2000 titled “Why the future doesn’t need us“. Lewis says:
“A large, unintelligent population is now a dead-weight… In the new age, what has hitherto been merely the intellectual nucleus of the race is to become, by gradual stages, the race itself. You are to conceive the species as an animal which has discovered how to simplify nutrition and locomotion to such a point that the old complex organs and the large body which contained them are no longer necessary. The masses are therefore to disappear. The body is to become all head. The human race is to become all technology.
In Lewis’ classic work The Screwtape letters, he describes the various methods through which demons influence human beings. Speaking from the perspective of one of these demons, he says:
“To us a human is primarily food; our aim is the absorption of its will into ours, the increase of our own area of selfhood at its expense… He [God] really does want to fill the universe with a lot of loathsome little replicas of Himself – creatures whose life, on its miniature scale, will be qualitatively like His own, not because He has absorbed them but because their wills freely conform to His… Our war aim is a world in which Our Father Below has drawn all other beings into himself…”
“The next step has already appeared”
In Mere Christianity, Lewis reveals insight into the possibility that the next step in “evolution” has already happened; And that it is a spiritual choice to follow Jesus Christ, not a technological “upgrade“.
Lewis writes:

“…people often wonder “What is the next step? When is the thing beyond man going to appear?” “The Christian view is precisely that the Next Step has already appeared… He [Jesus Christ] is the origin and centre and life of all the new men. He came into the created universe, of His own will, bringing with Him… the new life.”




黑貴族 - 未來神聖羅馬帝國的權力骨架

黑貴族 - 未來神聖羅馬帝國的權力骨架
Black Nobility - the Power Skeleton of the yet to be Holy Roman Empire

The Real Families, who from behind the scenes, control the World through Religion, Finance, Property, Land, and through control and manipulation of the Markets of the World are the Black Nobility /Papal Bloodlines. Not the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds or the Bush/Clinton Regime, those are all lower on the totem pole subservient to the papal bloodlines of the jesuits/black nobility.

The Black Nobility/Papal Bloodlines are the founders of the secret society of our day from which all the others that are connected to and originated from — the Committee of 300, The Club of Rome, the C.F.R., the R.I.I.A., the Bilderbergers, the Round Table… all originate from the Committee of 300 and therefore from the European Black Nobility families.

The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren’t we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on…

The Black Nobility is the most ruthless organization on the planet and they are seeking complete human enslavement and global domination. They work closely with the other royal families and they are all unified in their plot for take over while they use the tactic of divide and conquer and the illusion of compartmentalization.The Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. They are not all powerful and they must be dealt with. When they are exposed and resisted without fear they are the ones that tremble in fear.

These Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO

Membership list of the Black Nobility of Italy

Prince Stefano Lucchesi-Palli of Campofranco

Count Carlo Lucchesi-Palli

Prince Nicolo Boncompagni-Ludovisi

Prince Alessandro Jacopo Boncompagni-Ludovisi

Prince Roffredo Gaetani-D'Aragona-Lovatelli

Prince Gelasio Gaetani-D'Aragona-Lovatelli

Prince Bonifacio Gaetani-Dell'Aquilla-D'Aragona

Prince Vitaliano XI Borromeo

Countess Beatrice Borromeo

Countess Matilde Borromeo

Count Carlo Fernando Borromeo

Count Carlo Borromeo II

Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio

Prince (????) Massimo-Brancaccio the father of Giacomo

Prince Giacomo Leone Massimo-Brancaccio

Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca

Prince Cesare Massimo of Roccasecca

Prince Carlo Massimo

Prince Valerio Massimo

Princess Barbara Massimo

Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti

Count Stefano Massa of Sorrento

Count Sergio Massa of Sorrento

Baron Girolama de Massa and Giustiniani

Countess Beatrice Del Bono Venezze of Giustiniani-Venice

Count Vittorio Del Bono Venezze of Giustiniani-Venice

Count Matteo Giustiniani of Sardi

Count Jacopo Giustiniani of Sardi

Prince Niccolo Giustiniani

Count Leone Contini Bonacossi

Count Alberto Passi de Preposulo

Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo

Baron Emilio Galli-Zugaro

Baron Fabrizio Galli-Zugaro

Baron Umberto Galli-Zugaro

Marqius Riccardo Imperiali

Prince Rosario Imperiali

Prince Camillo Aldobrandini

Prince Clemente Aldobrandini

Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini-Rothschild

Countess Cristiania Agnelli Condesa Brandolini de Adda

Count Brandino Brandolini di Adda

Count Ruy Brandolini di Adda

Count Guido Brandolini di Adda

Count Lando Cerretani-Bandinelli-Paparoni

Count Ascanio Sforza-Cesarini

Count Muzio Sforza-Cesarini

Prince Giovanni Angelo Theodoli-Braschi

Princess Cosi Theodoli-Braschi

Prince Guglielmo Giovanelli Marconi

Prince Giovanni Torlonia

Prince Marino Torlonia

Prince Guido Torlonia

Count Alessandro Lequio-Torlonia

Duke Leopoldo Torlonia

Count Manfredo Paulucci de Calboli

Prince-Pastor Piero Visconti

Prince-Pastor Alessandro Paradisi

Count Massimo Pierleoni

Princess Maria Camilla Pallavicini

Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini

Prince Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini

Prince Filippo Rospigliosi

Prince Carlo Odescalchi

Prince Baldassare Odescalchi

Princess Lucia Odescalchi

Princess Sofia Odescalchi

Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy and Prince of Naples

Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy and Prince of Venice

Princess Clotilde of Savoy and Princess of Venice

Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy

Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy

Princess Maria Isabella of Savoy-Genoa

Prince Giberto di Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga

Countess Bianca di Arrivabene-Valenti-GonzagaPrince Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta

Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta

Princess Maria Cristina of Savoy-Aosta

Prince Annibale Brivio Sforza

Princess Marta Brivio Sforza

Prince Lilio Ruspoli-Sforza

Princess Maria Pia Ruspoli

Prince Franceso Ruspoli

Princess Giacinta Ruspoli

Princess Giorgia Pacelli

Prince Francesco Pacelli

Prince Filippo Pacelli

Prince Jonathan Doria-Pamphilj

Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano

Prince Stefano Colonna di Stigliano

Prince Prospero Colonna di Paliano

Prince Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano

Prince Ascanio Colonna di Paliano

Prince Urbano Riario Sforza-Barberini-Colonna di Sciarra

Prince Oddone Colonna

Prince Raimondo Orsini

Prince Domenico Napoleon Orsini

Prince Girolamo Strozzi

Prince Maurizio Ferrante Gonzaga

Prince Corrado Gonzaga

Prince Filippo Corsini

Prince Duccio Corsini

Prince Lorenzo de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari

Prince Ottaviano de Medici

Prince Juliano de Medici

Prince Lorenzo de Medici

Prinecss Alessandra Borghese

Prince Lorenzo Borghese

Prince Scipione Borghese

Prince Urbano Sacchetti

Prince Pietro Lanza di Scalea

Prince Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea

Count Rocky Agusta

Baron Francesco Adragna

Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies

Princess Beatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies

Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Calabria

Prince Antoine of Bourbon-Two Sicilies

Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma

Princess Maria Pia of Savoy-Bourbon-Parma

Prince Mario Chigi-Albani

Prince Flavio Chigi-Albani

Count Neri Capponi

Count Sebastiano Capponi

Count Niccolo Capponi

Marquis Andrea Serlupi d'Ongran

Prince Domenico Serlupi-Crescenzi-Ottoboni

Prince Ettore d'Alessandro di Pescolanciano

Saturnalian Brotherhood – The 13 Jesuit/Papal Bloodlines:

• House of Borja
• House of Breakspeare
• House of Somaglia
• House of Orsini
• House of Conti
• House of Chigi
• House of Colonna
• House of Farnese
• House of Medici
• House of Gaetani
• House of Pamphili
• House of Este
• House of Aldobrandini


我們需要多少宗教? 英國無神論父母反對對兒童的'强逼'基督教採取法律行動

我們需要多少宗教? 英國無神論父母反對對兒童的'强逼'基督教採取法律行動
How much religion do we need? Parents take legal action against 'forcing' Christianity on children
