
烏克蘭 新不知名死亡病毒

New deadly virus in 3,2,1…
Last Updated on Friday, 30 October 2009 13:44
Friday, 30 October 2009 13:15 News -
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New deadly virus in 3,2,1…

As expected and as we have already warned about, new strains or completely new viruses are starting to pop up around the globe. These seem to be much more deadly and so far, no report confirms them to be the now common H1N1 type.
It is also interesting to see that cases of H1N1 are said to peak in areas where the vaccination against it just have started. This is true for the US, Canada and Sweden.
We suspect that new viruses, much more deadly than the H1N1 are being spread intentionally in a "shock and awe" tactic to complete the takeover of most states and to establish a One World Government with a One World currency and a One World military.
It seems China might get an important position in this new power structure. China could easily destroy the US economy and might have chosen to use that leverage to position itself better in the New World Order.

Now is the time to see to that you have vitamine C, vitamine D3, MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) and Colloidal silver available. The new viruses might spread fast, piggy back riding on the H1N1 vaccinations.
現在是時侯看看自己有沒有維他命C,維他命D3,MMS 和膠狀銀。新病毒可能傳播快速。

If any of you have considered taking action against this mass vaccination madness, now would be a good time.


