
第一個人類 '感染電腦病毒' :透過植入晶片

這是很好的一個示範,證明了電腦病毒可透過外部系統和植入的RFID晶片之間傳染,達成過渡至PSID晶片的一項重要新世界秩序的要求 - 除去不服從的人!只要編寫好病毒程式,已植入晶片的某君或某羣人經過外部系統,自會在不知不覺間被傳染病毒,當電腦病毒夠鐘爆發時就係咁先,小則肉體懲罰大則命都冇埋,我實有份。不過要寫出一條這樣不是純毀壞電腦系统,而能對人體帶來傷害性的病毒程式,相信亦未是短期內的事。

第一個人類 '感染電腦病毒'
First human 'infected with computer virus'
By Rory Cellan-Jones
Technology correspondent, BBC News

Dr Gasson admits that the trial is a proof of principle

A British scientist says he is the first man in the world to become infected with a computer virus.

Dr Mark Gasson from the University of Reading contaminated a computer chip which was then inserted into his hand.
The device, which enables him to pass through security doors and activate his mobile phone, is a sophisticated version of ID chips used to tag pets.
In trials, Dr Gasson showed that the chip was able to pass on the computer virus to external control systems.
If other implanted chips had then connected to the system they too would have been corrupted, he said.

Medical alert

Dr Gasson admits that the test is a proof of principle but he thinks it has important implications for a future where medical devices such as pacemakers and cochlear implants become more sophisticated, and risk being contaminated by other human implants.

"With the benefits of this type of technology come risks. We may improve ourselves in some way but much like the improvements with other technologies, mobile phones for example, they become vulnerable to risks, such as security problems and computer viruses."

However, Dr Gasson predicts that wider use will be made of implanted technology.

"This type of technology has been commercialised in the United States as a type of medical alert bracelet, so that if you're found unconscious you can be scanned and your medical history brought up."

Professor Rafael Capurro of the Steinbeis-Transfer-Institute of Information Ethics in Germany told BBC News that the research was "interesting".

"If someone can get online access to your implant, it could be serious," he said.

Cosmetic surgery

Professor Capurro contributed to a 2005 ethical study for the European Commission that looked at the development of digital implants and possible abuse of them.

"From an ethical point of view, the surveillance of implants can be both positive and negative," he said.

"Surveillance can be part of medical care, but if someone wants to do harm to you, it could be a problem."

In addition, he said, that there should be caution if implants with surveillance capabilities started to be used outside of a medical setting.

However, Dr Gasson believes that there will be a demand for these non-essential applications, much as people pay for cosmetic surgery.

"If we can find a way of enhancing someone's memory or their IQ then there's a real possibility that people will choose to have this kind of invasive procedure."

Dr Gasson works at the University of Reading's School of Systems Engineering and will present the results of his research at the International Symposium for Technology and Society in Australia next month. Professor Capurro will also talk at the event.



出位實驗 揭晶片革命風險

加森(Mark Gasson)植入手部的,是一枚附有個人身分資料的精密無線電頻晶片,只有一粒米般大小,它和植入寵物的晶片相似,只是更為精密。在測試中,加森利用手上的智能晶片,可輕易通過智能保安門和操作手機。但他這枚「有毒晶片」,也可將內裏的電腦病毒,傳播到跟它接觸互動的電子系統中;倘若再有任何晶片裝置接駁到該電子系統,它們同樣會受感染。情形就像普通病毒人傳人一樣。



可威脅心臟起搏器 搞出人命


植入晶片增IQ 未來勢成潮流


2 則留言:

  1. I doubt I may implant a chips into my boby.How can I prove it and locate it?

  2. Why have this doubt? Did you experience any surgery? It is normally radioactive, you won't find it if you are not a scientist.
    Maybe you try using a magnet to see whether or not feeling anything different.

    The 666-chip's technology is yet about to be mature, so don't scare up yourself. There are currently only 5 ways of implanting other chips:
    1.medical tracing chip
    2.chip for medical purpose
    3.security chip in Mexico
    4.Smart Dust
    5.H1N1 vaccinated chip
    It was only found in some cases, possibly an experiment. Some saying that it will be activated by HAARP.
