

WAR on The World: Rothschild League’s 30 Facts Evidencing Gulf Oil Disaster Was Planned

July 8, 2010 · 3 Comments
Tetrahedron, LLC

30 Facts Evidencing the Rothschild League of Bankers
Planned the Gulf Oil Crisis

by Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane

This article explains what is really happening in the Gulf of Mexico, who is really responsible for the explosion, and how the devastation serves investment bankers. These globalists sway stocks, create markets, and planned this crisis, among a series of catastrophies, to advance geopolitical and financial agendas.


WAR has been declared against We The People. Yet, there is no country or military present to defend us.
Covert infiltrations and corruptions in governments by the “Rothschild League” of bankers and “private equity investors” now poison our bodies, minds, and planet. Yet, appropriate military and/or militia defenses are prohibited.
Crisis-capitalists are petrochemically massacring us and our environment. They have deployed propaganda–mass media deception–to camouflage their real intentions and vast destruction.
危機資本家在石化地 屠殺我們和我們的環境,他們已經部署的宣傳 - 大眾媒體欺騙 - 掩蓋他們真實的意圖和巨大破壞。
The air we breathe, food we eat, and water we drink, has been polluted to deliver profitable diseases and planned depopulation, simulating a “scorched earth policy” of war.
Citizens’ arrests, grand jury investigations, criminal indictments, and war crime prosecutions are urgently needed, yet financially forbidden.
Generalized fear, depression, fatigue, and apathy is incapacitating our defenses, aiding the adversaries, and predisposing us to diseases and early deaths.
Based on the following irrefutable facts, the so-called “accidental explosion” in the Gulf is a Transocean/Halliburton/British Petroleum/Goldman-Sachs attack—the latest in a series of unspeakable war crimes perpetrated by Anglo-American State of Rothschild League bankers.
根據以下不可辯駁的事實,在海灣所謂的“意外爆炸”是一跨洋/哈里伯頓公司/英國石油/高盛的攻擊 - 一系列不可告人的戰爭罪行中最新的,由英美國家的羅富齊聯銀行家做的。

Definition and Function of War

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WAR has been defined as “a contest between nations or states, carried on by force, . . . for the extension of commerce, . . . for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other.”

Consider the fact that “it takes money to make money.” Across civilization today, if you want to buy a property or grow a business, most people need to take loans from banks. In fact, the primary way that Nations, States, and civilians advance economically is contracted or underwritten by the banking industry.

Similarly, war is nearly always financed by banks and, allegedly, repaid by taxes.

As you read the following facts, consider these methods by which We The People are now nightmarishly enslaved by a usury system of rampant con-sum(p)-tion. (A word that used to mean degeneration by terminal illness; a sum total “con.”)

Consider the “investment bankers” who steward the stock-markets and care nearly nil about how many species are going extinct, including possibly our own.

Then reflect on this quote by poet Dorothy Parker:

“If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the people He gives it to.”

Today, besides generating profit as proven below, the Rothschild League, that has held dominion over our global economy for centuries, expands it’s mass-mind manipulation, depopulation, and environmental destruction for protection against We The People. After all, we are slowly awakening like a sleeping giant. Our rebuke threatens their plan for complete global control.

30 Chilling Facts Proving We The People Are Under Attack, in an Undeclared War, With the Rothschild League of Bankers:

1) The media is grossly censoring the extent of the devastation in the Gulf. The poisons–oil and chemical dispersant (Corexit)–are destined to spread globally, but honest reporting is restricted, and independent investigators are being arrested. This censorship is a sure sign of fascism–not freedom or democracy. In this way, the media, financially directed by leading investment bankers (cited below), accomplices this global poisoning, or omnicide. (Click here for an example of more accurate reporting from the Gulf by an independent news source.)

2) The news and network “programming” is mind-controlling propaganda issued by the “partners” in the Rothschild League of Banks including Goldman-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase and UBS that direct BP, Transocean, Halliburton, the clean-up capitalists, Corexit suppliers, even the trailers used by clean-up crews, through co-investors heavily represented in the Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), founded by David Rockefeller and chartered by the Royal Family of England. All together, these partners wield the most formidable economic power in world history.

3) Ongoing worsening environmental pollution has been a primary objective of these Rothschild League financiers since at least the 1960s, according to their leaked economic agenda. Destroying the environment, thus creating new global threats for remediation markets and emergency management is unconscionable, but very real. This has become a viable alternative to traditional warfare securing profitable population control through crisis capitalism.

4) The Gulf oil catastrophe reflects this one of three major financially-sustaining war substitutes. Currently, less urgent than environmental destruction is space-based threats (e.g., solar flares, alien menaces, and colliding asteroids). The third, and least apparent profitable war substitute is petrochemical-pharmaceutical enslavement. All three of these incentives and objectives for global governance, emergency preparedness, and profitable military and Homeland Security responses, “carries the weight of . . . considerable actual sacrifice of life.” (Quote from The Report From Iron Mountain–a scholarly, serious, non-fiction, non-satirical leaked worked claimed by Rothschild League banking cartel propagandists, including media pundits, to be a satire.)
5) The propaganda ploy used most effectively in the Gulf, and in all crises, is to blame illusory villains to create sham debates. When Obama is blamed for the oil crisis, for instance, the “accident” faults Democrats. When Halliburton is blamed, the Republicans feel faulted. This divisive diversion suckers masses of idiots, discredits the media’s intelligence, and shames people who still claim we have a “free” and “responsible” press.

6) The Deepwater Horizon (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil rig that exploded is the property of Transocean, not British Petroleum (BP); and both companies are financially directed by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS investment bankers, all operating in the Rothschild League of banks.

7) Coincidentally, or demonically, the oil rig’s failed cementation job exploded on Hitler’s birthday, just in time to poison Earth Day 2010, thanks to Transocean’s contractor–the infamous Dick Cheney/George Bush officiated Halliburton Company allied with Homeland Security.

8 ) Halliburton officials admit knowing their cementation job was likely to explode just when it did, according to Congressional testimony.

9) Goldman Sachs (GS) officials, likewise, knew the rig was likely to explode when it did. They bet millions of dollars on this event only days before it happened! (Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of GS, directed 44% (4.6 million shares) of BP stock to be dumped three weeks before the explosion.

10 ) Not surprisingly, Transocean was merged into its current corporate state by Goldman-Sachs (a.k.a., “Government Sachs”) in 2007.

11) David Sidwell, Risk Committee Chairman of UBS, the wealthiest Swiss bank (in the Rothschild League or alliance of so-called “competing” banks) and the world’s largest wealth manager, also dumped BP stocks massively (i.e., 99% of the banks holdings, or 2.1 million shares,) as did Wachovia/Wells Fargo.

12) BP Oil CEO Tony Hayward sold 1/3 of his BP stock (223,288 shares) on March 17–a month before the explosion.

13) Just prior to 9/11, you may recall, Goldman Sachs did the same with airline stocks; and before the Gulf catastrophe, GS shorted mortgage company stocks, fueling the real estate collapse in America.

New Shocking Facts:

14) The Management Boards of the Eurex Stock Exchanges and the Executive Board of Germany’s Eurex Clearing AG decided, on April 14, 2010, to introduce an equity option on shares of Transocean Ltd, effective on the day of the explosion, April 20, 2010. This gave inside traders a full day to dump their “uninsured” stock in Transocean at the highest price possible (before the rest of Wall Street responded to the explosion). Then the crisis capitalists were able to reinvest their funds securing the higher price value.

These officials published zero reason for Transocean’s new equity option program that encouraged banking criminals to use “protective puts” to make millions.
In other words, by paying a relatively small premium (compared to the soon-to-be plunging market value of Transocean stock), the Rothschild Leaguers knew no matter how far the stock dropped, it could be sold at the original “strike price” (also called the “put option”) anytime before April 20, 2012.
This additionally evidences premeditated murder, and the financial motives of the Swiss/German banking chiefs influencing Europe’s most active stock exchanges. These inside traitors and industrial sabateurs, financially controlling Transocean, Halliburton, and BP, committed the gravest environmental crime of all time, with obvious plans to profit from the mass murdering of people and destruction of the Gulf.

15) This was how money was made from the obvious sabotage. After UBS sold its 2.1 million shares of BP, prior to the explosion, the “put option” policy on BP stock was similarly exercised when UBS bought back 8.6 million BP shares by June 7.

16) Transocean Vice President of Marketing, Terry Bonno, met UBS officials on May 27, 2010, according to a heavily censored Thompson Reuter’s report and transcript. (CLICK HERE to read it.) The “Ultra-Deepwater market will start to pick up longer-term,” Bonno encouraged banking officials.

17) So within weeks of the explosion the Rothschild League of investment bankers were yelling Buy! Buy! Buy! BP stock,” stating the costs for clean-up were miniscule compared to what their investments and company profits would earn.

18) This quote detailed the BP-banking-stock-jocks’ plot: “Buying shares today while writing $55 calls and “puts” for the January 2012 expiration allows for an outstanding cash-on-cash return if BP merely bounces back by 14% over the next 21 months. In a best case you’ll net 98% total returns on the actual cash outlay (assuming you write the puts against paid-up marginable equity already held in your margin-type account).”
(Editor’s Note: Can you imagine the psychopathology, blind ignorance, and murderous greed of investing, or reinvesting, in these companies that are killing us and our planet?)

19) Much like the instantly manufactured equity investment option created for Transocean right before the explosion, BP’s stock insurance plan secured the ongoing devastation in the Gulf with this financial promise: “In a worst case scenario you’ll end up with twice the number of BP ADRs at an average cost of $42.64 or less,” stock gurus promoted. “That’s lower than the annual lows for BP during the entire period 2004 right through 2007.”

Proud Profiteers in Media Magic

The wizards of oil, pulling the strings behind the media’s propaganda, are best exemplified by Goldman Sachs’s CEO, Lloyd Blankfein. Lloyd merged, and still largely controls, ABC/Disney and Miramax. Blankfein’s partner, co-chairing the PFNYC, is Rupert Murdoch, controlling FOX News, Time-Warner, Associated Press, News Corp and much more. Another partner in this David Rockefeller>
founded PFNYC cabal is Thompson Reuters chairman, Thomas Glocer. The PFNYC was responsible for financial reconciliations from 9-11, and “veering” World Trade Center reconstruction money from New York to Las Vegas through Apollo Management’s MGM private equity investments. (Apollo co-owns Nalco/Corexit with Goldman Sachs.) The PFNYC was chartered by Britain’s Royal family, bringing NBC/Comcast into their stead, as well as the General Electric company. Last but not least, CBS owner, Sumner Murray Rothstein (Redstone), joined the clique through his CBS-Viacom stable of companies.

20) The Halliburton cementation job’s sabotage, and resulting oil hemorrhage in the Gulf, served perfectly, synchronously and financially, to “veer” media attention away from Lloyd Blankfein’s/ Goldman-Sachs’s shorting of the American housing market, accelerating the planned economic collapse of the USA for the forthcoming New World Order’s “New Deal.”

21) And just when we thought the Government Sachs connection to the Gulf oil rigging could not get any deeper, we learn that GS holds controlling interests (with Apollo Management) in the Nalco Company which produces the hideously deadly oil dispersant named Corexit!

22) The Rothschild Leaguers “ruled out all [Corexit] competitors even those that have shown to be far less toxic and, in some cases, nearly twice as effective,” reported Paul Quinlan in the New York Times. The reason being . . .

23) Nalco formed from a joint venture with the David Rockefeller-controlled Exxon Chemical Co. in 1994. Then, . . .

24) In 2003, The Blackstone Group, Apollo Management L.P., and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, bought Ondeo Nalco for $4.3 billon dollars. All three companies are partnered in the Rockefeller-founded, Royal Family-chartered PFNYC.

25) Ironically, according to Nalco’s website, the company is portrayed as a water, energy, and air conservation corporation. They claim to be the world’s leading water treatment company. Their poisonous dispersant, Corexit, is not their main business. It is a “first aid product that they’ve always had and they’ve never really used.”

26) Corexit was found poisoning clean-up workers, causing kidney and liver disorders, following its debut in the 1989 Exxon-Valdez disaster. Nalco blamed these problems on 2-butoxyethanol, now claimed to have been removed.

And that’s not all. . . .

27) The George Bush/Dick Cheney 9/11-linked Halliburton Company purchased the world’s largest oil-spill cleanup entity, Boots & Coots, three weeks before the “natural gas leak.” This was synchrounous with the bankers beginning to unload BP and Transocean stocks, and securing equity options to insure their investments. Other major shareholders in Nalco/Corexit include billionaire Warren Buffett and his conglomerate holding company, Berkshire Hathaway; Maurice Strong, Al Gore, George Soros.

28) Historically, Homeland Security has contracted with Halliburton to provide detention camps for political dissidents and displaced populations, through KBR, whose financial underwriters feature the aforementioned war-makers: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; Goldman, Sachs & Co.; UBS Securities LLC; Citigroup Global Markets Inc.; and Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC–the precise financial institutions shorting BP and Transocean stocks as detailed above. Furthermore, . .

29) Homeland Security’s choice of accommodations for Gulf oil clean-up crews are the same toxic trailers banned from use during Hurricane Katrina.

30) Homeland Security medical officials are also now implicated in fraudulently promoting (through Alex Jones) a “decoy product” for infectious disease markets called Silver Sol for profit and probably depopulation as well. (CLICK HERE for the shocking story.)

Conclusion and Solution

Similar to what we found while investigating the fabricated H1N1-H5N1 Swine Flu fright and fraudulent (and increasingly threatening) vaccination campaign, the devil-doers were those in control of the “PharmaMedia” involving Wall Street’s heaviest hitters, all partners in the PFNYC and the Rothschild League of investment bankers. (View: PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller.)

We The People urgently need a new banking system that entirely excludes the aforementioned criminals. It must encourage investments in permaculture and sustainable production, not destructive and polluting consumption. It must discourage petrochemical-pharmaceutical toxicity that is killing us and most other species. And it must invest in suppressed alternative energies, including hydrogen fuel and Tesla technologies that have been kept from common use by the financial paradigm makers/enslavers.

The new banking system must value biological sensitivity, and love-based spirituality, more than lust for money, fueling a degenerative economy that is based on usury.

One suggested solution is to form a posse to search and find leaders in this criminal banking cartel (such as Lloyd Blankfein and David Rockefeller) and serve them, and responding law enforcers, with citizens’ arrest complaints, widely publicized, using this article and its links as evidence detailing the criminal conspiracy. This way, attorneys general may be forced to do their jobs in protecting We The People.

Otherwise, we need a miracle to stop the financial industry from doing what is it is doing to us and our planet. This is not a religious statement, just an accurate observation.
Jesus put his life on the line by preaching the same thing. He exposed and flogged the lesser humans who were financially enslaving humanity through usury, usurping faith in God and the new true Nation under Him.

In defense of ourselves and Mother Earth, We the People now have no other reasonable choice but to neutralize mass murderers, their lethal intoxications, and environmental destructions.

We pray that LOVE–communicated musically in the secreted 528Hz frequency–will help prompt this urgently required miraculous transformation of our economy and society, ending the psychopathology of menacing greed, to secure permacultural sustainability and real enduring happiness.



