

Polish prosecutors to question late president’s twin on plane crash,


Ria Novosti

Jaroslaw Kaczynski will be interviewed by military prosecutors in connection with the April plane crash in which his twin brother, then Polish president Lech Kaczynski, died.
雅羅斯瓦夫卡欽斯基將被關軍事檢察官會見,有關 4月飛機墜毀,箇中他的孿生兄弟,即當時的波蘭總統萊赫卡欽斯基去世。
Kaczynski, a runner-up in the country’s recent snap presidential polls, lost his twin brother on April 10, when a presidential Tu-154 plane crashed in western Russia killing all 96 people onboard.
“Investigators are interested in all details related to the presidential plane crash,” a lawyer representing interests of the accident’s victims said.
The interview is scheduled for July 27.
會面定於 7月27日。
“Naturally, investigators are interested in Jaroslaw Kaczynski, because he is the brother of the late Polish president,” Rafal Rogalski told the media.

“Some members of the families of the Smolensk crash victims have already testified. Prosecutors ask them if they possess information which can be useful for the investigation into the cause of the catastrophe. They can choose themselves whether to be interrogated or not and when,” Poland’s thenews.pl English-language portal quoted Rogalski as saying.


