

Large Hadron Collider scientists want a BIGGER machine that fires s in a straight line

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 1:56 PM on 26th July 2010

It cost £7 billion to build and has been fraught with problems since it was first switched on.
But now scientists behind the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland want to build an even bigger machine, it will be announced today.
Instead of whirling atoms in giant rings like at Cern, scientists now want a next-generation machine that will fire them in a straight line.
Scientists from CERN will reach out to China, India and Russia to help fund the next £8.5 billion step of the project at a conference in Paris today.
來自歐洲核子研究中心的科學家將深入到中國、印度和俄羅斯,去幫助金援今天在巴黎的一次會議的下一步八十五億英鎊項目 。
The new machine would be a successor to the LHC which was launched with great fanfare in September 2008, but days later was sidetracked by overheating that set off a chain of problems. 新機器將是一項的LHC繼承,它在2008年9月大張旗鼓地推出,但幾天之後因過熱引發連串的問題而擱置一段時間。

The LHC in its tunnel at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. Now scientists want to build an even bigger machine

CERN had to undertake a £26 million programme of repairs and improvements before restarting the machine last November. Since then the collider has reported a series of successes.

In March it saw the first collisions of two proton beams.

Plans for the next step, a 31-mile tunnel called the International Linear Collider, have long been under discussion and scientists now need to find funding, particle physicist Guy Wormser said. They hope the machine could be turned on in 2020 or 2025.

With the LHC 'we made a machine which allowed us to make a big leap in understanding, a sort of enlightener, and now we study and detail things and that's the linear collider', he said. 'It's the future of our discipline.'
Instead of crashing protons together, the new international collider will accelerate electrons and positrons, their antimatter equivalent, he said.
Depending on who wants to host it - and how much they are willing to pay - the ILC could potentially be built anywhere in the world.
The experiments of both machines are more about shaping our understanding of how the universe was created than immediate improvements to technology in our daily lives.
Scientists are attempting to simulate the moments after the Big Bang nearly 14 billion years ago, which they believe was the creation of the universe.
In March, the LHC produced a tiny bang, the most potent force on the tiny atomic level that humans have ever created.
Two beams of protons were sent hurtling in opposite directions toward each other in a 17-mile tunnel below the Swiss-French border - the coldest place in the universe at slightly above absolute zero.

CERN used powerful superconducting magnets to force the two beams to cross; two of the protons collided, producing seven trillion electron volts.

The latest results of those experiments will be presented at the International Conference on High Energy Physics, which is bringing 1,000 physicists to Paris this week.

Today Mr Wormser and other leading scientists would speak about their search for the Higgs boson, a hypothetical particle - often called the God particle - that scientists think gives mass to other particles and thus to other objects and creatures in the universe.

The colliders also may help scientists see dark matter, the strange stuff that makes up more of the universe than normal matter but has not been seen on Earth.

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