

Teenage anti-social behaviour caused by 'brain abnormality'

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:07 PM on 6th July 2010

Antisocial behaviour in teenagers may be due to brain abnormalities that cause them to be aggressive, according to a new study.
Scientists have discovered that teens with a psychiatric condition known as ‘conduct disorder’ have an abnormal pattern of brain activity compared with those without the conditio.
科學家們已發現,青少年有稱為'品行障礙'的精神病狀態,有一異常的大腦活動模式,相比於那些沒有 conditio的。
Conduct disorder leads to a high level of aggressive and antisocial behaviour and affects five teenagers in every 100 in the UK.

A typical teenager's brain lights up when they see pictures of happy or sad faces
But a brain scan of a teenager with conduct disorder shows no activity when shown the same images

It can develop either in childhood or in teenagers but while the childhood-onset form has been linked to abnormal brain function, the root of the adolescence-onset condition was previously thought to be simply teenagers copying their badly-behaved peers.
Scientists used an advanced brain-scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to analyse the brain activity of teenage boys with conduct disorder while they were shown images of angry, sad and neutral faces.
When the children were shown the faces the brain scans of normal children responded by showing activity in the areas of the brain responsible for processing emotions.
But teenagers with the condition showed far less activity leading scientists to believe that this is why children with CD are unable to empathise with others, making them more likely to be anti-social.
當孩子們的臉孔被顯示,正常兒童的大腦掃描回應以顯示大腦負責處理情緒地區的活動。 但有情況的青少年顯示遠遠少些活動,領先的科學家相信,這就是為什麼有品行障礙的兒童,是無法與其他人產生共鳴,使他們更可能是反社會的。
The scientists also found that the more severe the aggression and antisocial behaviour in the teenagers, the greater the level of brain abnormality.
Dr Andy Calder from the MRC Unit, who led the research, said: "We know it costs the government ten times as much to support a child with conduct disorder into adulthood, compared to a normal child.
‘We also know that kids with these disorders are at far greater risk of developing a range of mental and physical health problems in later life.
‘There are few effective conduct disorder treatments, so collaborative research like this, which really sheds light on the brain processes behind why and how these disorders emerge, is really important if we're to help sufferers and their families."
Professor Ian Goodyer, co-author on the paper and Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge, said: ‘This work breaks new ground in our understanding of the neurobiology of one of the most prevalent and difficult mental health problems in our society.
‘The information will inform the development of early detection and intervention strategies in children at risk for antisocial behaviour.’

The findings emerged in a study in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry and was funded by the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust.

