

Vatican appoints new head of Jewish relations office

07/02/2010 03:20
Bishop Kurt Koch of Switzerland receives warm welcome from Jewish community.
Photo by: http://stjohnsvaldosta.blogspot.com/

Bishop Kurt Koch of Switzerland will soon be appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to head the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Christian Unity – the office that oversees relations with Jews and non-Catholic Christians.
瑞士的庫爾特科赫主教將很快被教宗本篤十六世任命,出領梵蒂岡宗座基督徒合一委員會 - 辦公室負責監督猶太人和非天主教基督徒的關係。
Koch will replace Cardinal Walter Kasper, who served in the position for 11 years, Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi told the Catholic News Agency on Wednesday.
The American Jewish Committee warmly welcomed the appointment.
“Bishop Koch has a fine record of deep friendship with the Swiss Jewish community, as well as profound commitment to the singular religious and historical nature of the church’s relationship with Judaism and Jewry,” said Rabbi David Rosen, the AJC’s International Director of Interreligious Affairs. “We look forward to a close working relationship with Bishop Koch.”

B’nai B’rith paid tribute to the outgoing Kasper in a recent letter for being a true and faithful partner and for his “approach of constructiveness and healing” in his engagement with Jewish leaders.

“We have been privileged to know the warmth, openness and spirit that you have brought to your work,” wrote B’nai B’rith International President Dennis W. Glick, Executive Vice President Daniel S. Mariaschin, and Director of UN and Intercommunal Affairs David J. Michaels.

“Your leadership of the council has been characterized by great devotion – indicative of the profound importance of, and immense strides over the course of less than half a century in, the Catholic-Jewish relationship. Undoubtedly, your personal role in caring for and advancing this endeavor has been significant,” the letter continued.

B’nai B’rith expressed the hope that even in his retirement, Kasper’s contributions would continue to provide an enduring foundation for the advancement of relations between Catholics and Jews.


