
“錫安紀要” - 損傷控制

“錫安紀要” - 損傷控制
"Protocols of Zion"-- Damage Control

July 29, 2010
By Henry Makow Ph,D.

Mankind is slipping into a permanent coma according to a diabolical plan that has been public knowledge for over a century.
When The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were leaked in the 1890's, Masonic Jewish bankers did effective damage control.
They tricked the gullible goyim into believing it was a "forgery" written by "anti-Semites."
他們戲弄輕信的 外邦人,以為它是一份“偽本”,由“反閃米特人”編寫的。
The bankers couldn't exactly admit the truth, that they were enslaving humanity, could they? ( Their whole system is based on deception and secrecy.)
銀行家們不可能正確地承認那事實,即他們在奴役人類,他們可能嗎? (他們的整個系統是建基於欺騙和秘密。)
Thus they turned the disaster into an advantage by using it to incite more "anti-Semitism."
In the Protocols, they boast that anti-Semitism is used to "manage our lesser brethren." They fund anti-Semites to ensure that all Jews are blamed.
By linking their demented conspiracy to all Jews, they used them as Trojan horse, human shield and human sacrifice. Many gentile anti-Semites oblige by blaming all Jews regardless of individual responsibility. (And these critics have great moral pretensions.)
通過聯繫他們的瘋狂陰謀至所有猶太人,他們使用它們作為特洛伊人木馬、人盾和人祭品。許多異教徒反閃米特人焗住指責所有猶太人,不顧個人的責任。 (和這些批評者有很大的道德自負。)
I speak for Jews who oppose this secret plan which was concocted by Cabalist bankers and rabbis centuries ago and revised periodically.
These self-appointed Jewish leaders have put all Jews in jeopardy. They are establishing their world tyranny by stealth -- manipulating current events, re-engineering society and controlling perception.
這些自封的猶太人領袖們,已把所有猶太人處於危險之中;他們正在隱形地 建立自己的世界暴政 - 操縱時事、重新設計社會和控制看法。
All Jews will be blamed for the disproportionate role many Jews play unless more speak up and are counted.
Many Jews, (especially Zionists/Neocons/Communists/socialists/liberals and feminists) are agents for the Illuminati bankers. The bankers tricked them into thinking they were"changing the world" into a socialist utopia. Unfortunately, this utopia is a mask for the tyranny of monopoly capital and Cabalism (i.e. Communism.)
許多猶太人(尤其是猶太复國主義者 /新保守派/共產黨員/社會主義者 /自由主義者和女權主義者),都是光明會銀行家的代理人。銀行家們欺弄他們,使他們以為他們是在“改變世界”,成為一個社會主義的烏托邦。不幸地,這烏托邦是壟斷資本和祕術主義(即共產主義) 暴政的一個幌子。
But everyone, not just Jews, is implicated in this diabolical plan. The Protocols' Jewish world government is the British Empire repackaged. British imperialism was always a marriage of English aristocracy and Jewish finance under the rubric of (Cabalist) Freemasonry. American imperialism and Zionism serve the same cause.
Freemasons, organized Jewry, Christian Zionists and most everyone of prominence are collaborators in the Illuminati bankers' fraud. Selling out is a condition of "success." The banksters reward complicity.
The bankers' fraud lies in the fact that our currency is created in the form of debt to them. No one can own currency. It is a medium of exchange like beads or shells. It is like oxygen. But they are leveraging their fraudulent "ownership" of currency into ownership of everything and everyone.


The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" repays constant rereading because it eerily described one hundred years ago what is happening today. Most versions are based on a 1920 translation by Victor Marsden, the Morning Post correspondent in Moscow.
“錫安長老會紀要”回報不斷的重讀,因為它恐怖地在百年前描述今天發生的東西。多數版本是根據一本由Victor馬斯登的 1920年譯本,那在莫斯科的早晨報記者。
I have been comparing it with a typescript version found by Stanley Monteith in the Edward Mandell House papers at Yale University. This one dates from about 1914. Although House was one of the conspirators, the typescript originated with people opposed to Jewish banker domination. This is indicated by sarcastic footnotes. For example, one lists some of the Jews and crypto Jews in power at the time.
我一直比較它與一份由斯坦利蒙蒂思,在耶魯大學愛德華曼德爾侯斯論文中發現的打字版本。這一份的歷史可以追溯到大約 1914年。雖然侯斯是其中一個陰謀者,打字本發源於反對猶太銀行家統治的人們,這是以挖苦的註腳指出的。例如,一人列出一些在那時候掌權的猶太人和祕密黨員猶太人。
I have already described some differences between the Marsden and House versions.
The Protocols were originally written in French and delivered at workshops of the Mizraim Lodge in Paris.
紀要最初是用法語寫成的,並發表在巴黎的Mizraim Lodge。
They were translated from French to Russian and then from Russian to English. There's room for error.
For example, the Marsden version says they will create class conflicts, and dupe and co-opt the poor. The House version says the opposite. They will play on the "hatred" of gentile elites for the poor.
Marsden: "Then will the hour strike when not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred toward the privileged, the lower classes of the goyim will follow our lead against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the goyim." (page 159, end of Protocol Four)

House: "Then, not for the sake of good, not even for the sake of riches, but only owing to the privileged class hatred towards the lower classes of the GOYS will follow us against the intellectual Goys, our competitors to power." (p.13, end of Protocol Three; Protocol Three in Marsden is entirely missing in House.)

In fact, the bankers co-opted both the rich and poor of the goyim but it is significant that the Protocols actually speak of co-opting the rich, not the poor.

Think about this next time you wonder why Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are pooling their money to vaccinate Africans, and all the foundations, mass media and corporation sing from the same New World Order/ diversity song book.

It seems counter-intuitive that the rich would seek Communism, but Communism is really a method of institutionalizing inequality. Government is the ultimate monopoly and monopoly capitalists want to run it. Thereby they extend their credit monopoly to power and thought itself, i.e. tyranny.

Unlike Marsden, the House version actually uses the word "Communism."

House: We will govern the masses "by means of cunningly constructed theories and phrases, by rules of communism and other traps not understood by the Goys..." (p.15)

Marsden: We will govern the masses "by means of cleverly manipulated theory and verbiage, by regulations of life in common, and all sorts of other quirks in all which the goyim understand nothing..." (p.161)


The world is a stage play written by Illuminati bankers and staged by their actors in media, government, education and the social sciences.

The bankers want us to think humanity has achieved a kind of Nirvana, the "end of history," a level of reason and sophistication that renders obsolete the forces that have caused war and suffering.

These historical forces have disguised one satanic force which has emerged triumphant. This is the conquest of mankind by Cabalistic bankers who have a satanic need to own and control everyone. They have bought the world, and the birthright of future generations.


