

'Chronic Shortage of Foster Carers'

Thursday, 05 August 2010 08:13

David Icke:
Yes, because of so many children being stolen by the State from loving parents

'Give me your children ...'

'Chronic shortage' of foster carers
Last Updated: Thursday, 05 August 2010, 05:06 GMT-
'Chronic shortage' of foster carers

The death of Baby Peter has led to a "chronic shortage" of foster carers, a charity warned.
According to the Fostering Network, there are 10,000 fewer foster families than are needed after an "unprecedented rise" in the number of children being taken into care.
根據寄養網絡,有 10,000個少過需要的寄養家庭,在兒童被帶至護理的人數有“前所未有的上升”後。
With looming public sector cuts expected to put more pressure on local government resources in the sector, the country's fostering system "could collapse" as a result, the charity said.
Its report, titled Bursting At The Seams, found that nearly six in 10 local authorities are having difficulty in finding the right homes for children and only a third reported they had been able to find appropriate placements.
In total, 53,934 children in the UK needed a foster home in 2009, compared with 51,009 in 2007.
在2009年總共有53,934名在英國的兒童需要一寄養家庭,相比2007年則為 51,009。

Fostering Network chief executive Robert Tapsfield said the increase in the number of younger children coming into care had come about after the death of Baby Peter, which came to light in 2008.
He said: "Foster care is in trouble. There are more and more children coming into care and many of them have increasingly complex needs. There is also a chronic shortage of foster carers across the UK. With the reality of severely reduced local authority spending lurking around the corner, the system could collapse."
Helen Clarke, the author of the report, added: "While fostering services had made real progress in recruiting more foster carers and finding children the right foster homes, the unprecedented pressure the system is now under has clearly pushed back much of this good work.
"The impact of the rise in children needing foster homes and the shortage of foster carers means the system is no longer sustainable and budget cuts could be devastating."
Baby Peter died aged 17 months in 2007. He suffered 50 injuries despite receiving 60 visits from social workers, doctors and police over the final eight months of his life. His mother, Tracey Connelly, her boyfriend, Steven Barker, and his brother, Jason Owen, were jailed at the Old Bailey in May last year for causing or allowing his death.

Last Updated: Thursday, 5 August 2010, 08:06 GMT

Oh, they won't let it collapse - the Satanist and Paedophile rings in government won't allow it with so many children there to be abducted by the Social Services Mafia who often 'high five' in court when they steal a child in league with the legal establishment while the media is banned from even reporting these cases, let alone the criminal corruption involved.
哦,他們不會讓它崩潰 - 包圍政府的撒旦教徒和戀童癖患者,不會允許它有這麼多孩子在那裡被社會服務黑手黨綁架,他們往往在法庭上'舉手擊掌',當他們在聯盟以法律機構偷走一個孩子,而媒體甚至被禁止報導這些案件,更遑論涉及犯罪貪污。

