

美國宇航局說:太陽的日冕物質噴射(CME)朝向地球:預計 8月3日到達
Nasa says CME on Sun headed for Earth: Expected Arrival August 3rd
Posted by freedomist on 2:26 AM in CME,
coronal mass ejection, Nasa, solar flare, Space, sun, technology
On Sunday, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory detected a complex magnetic eruption on the sun. The NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) also spotted a large coronal mass ejection (CME) The eruption happened around (3:50 am EST), the SDO detected a C3 class solar flare originating from a group of sunspots (called sunspot 1092). The flare itself was not that large, but the filament located about 70,000 miles away erupted at the same time.
A filament is a large, bright feature extending outward from the Sun's surface, often in a loop shape. Filament is anchored to the Sun's surface in the photosphere, and extends outward into the Sun's corona. It is a long magnetic structure rising above the surface of the sun, filled with cool plasma. The flare and filament erupted at the same time, this suggests they are connected by long-range magnetic field lines. Some believe the flare may have accelerated the eruption of the filament. Eventually, a giant magnetic bubble of plasma broke and blasted out into space.

The problem is, the eruption occurred on the side of the sun facing earth which means, the Coronal Mass Ejection is on its way to the planet earth. It's expected arrival is Aug. 3. This is known as a geomagnetic storm, and they have been known to cause electrical power outages and damage communications satellites. They drive shock waves which produce energetic particles that can be damaging to both electronic equipment and astronauts that venture outside the protection of the Earth's magnetic field.
Expect the government and all observatories to be on high alert.They know a CME is coming, they can probably prepare for its arrival. The reason I find this particular story interesting is because the event being discussed continues to happen more frequently, and on a larger scale than prior events of such a magnitude. Is our solar system going through a time of great change? Should we spend more time laying under the stars? We will see how this particular CME effects earth on August 3rd. It will effect the area of earth facing the sun.

Video below describes how badly a CME could impact earth:

Nasa Warns Of Super Solar Storm 2012



(星島)2010年8月3日 星期二 15:35
美國 太空總署(NASA)的科學家預測,「太陽風暴」產生的帶電粒子流,今日將「擊中」地球。






今年6月,在美國太空總署任職20年的太陽物理學部門主管理查德•費希利(Richard Fisher)說,太陽的磁能每22年會達到高峰,而太陽黑子的數量或耀斑每11年會達到最高值,這兩種情況會在2013年同時發生。

費希利形容,一旦出現超級「太陽風暴」,「對美國而言,可能造成比卡特里娜 颶風嚴重20倍的經濟損失。」

科學家警告,「太陽風暴」發生時會向周圍空間輸出三種影響:電磁輻射 直接影響地球向日面的大氣層和電離層,對短波通訊造成幹擾;「太陽耀斑」爆發噴射出的大量高能粒子,會嚴重危及太空船的船員和儀器的安全;「日冕物質拋射」,則會引起地球強烈的磁場變化,即磁暴,屆時地表電網可能過熱,航空運輸可能中斷,而電子設施、導航裝置和主要的衛星可能失去功能。

太陽風昨未與地球正面碰撞 較2003年弱許多

4/3/2011 -- 來自太陽的超大型日冕物質拋射(CME)

2 則留言:

  1. hokfai_law:今次C級只是小太陽風暴,但正面攻中地球是少有的事情,大多數都是背向或擦過;今次小太陽風暴太弱了!但NASA有心誇大佢,可能另有用心,B,C,M,X級數可以相差很遠,X級強過C級二+萬倍。

  2. Hokfai兄,小弟也有同感,差d唔想貼,不過呢2日冇乜料。
