

Judge gives O.K. for Army to blast Birds Point Levee in Mississippi

Mississippi River Dwellers Prepare For Epic Flood
01-05-2011, 03:31 PM
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Folks, it's so obvious weather modification, it makes me sick that that the average population has no clue what is going on.
I live in Colorado. I can tell when the east will get crazy storms from what happens here.
3 days ago, the chemtrailing was massive.
This is how they build up supercells, by collecting the
surrounding atmospheric water using silver iodide.
2 days ago, the winds were downright scary. I'm high
in the mountains, so we rarely get tornadoes. But the
winds have been severe.
This is from the atmosphere rushing in to fill in the
void left by the water vapor being drawn in to
the chemtrail storm

This morning, I'm looking out at 4-5" of snow.
This storm, will link up with the chemtrail storm,
and in 2-3 days, the Mississippi basin will get hammered.
這場風暴將與化學拖曳風暴連接, 並在2-3天內,密西西比河流域將受重創。
The following video is a track of the recent tornadoes.

Severe Tornado Outbreak in the Southern United States, April 26-28, 2011
美國南部的嚴重龍捲風爆發 2011年4月26-28日

If you watch around :10 into it, you can see the
chemtrails feeding the storm down in the Gulf of Mexico.

You see, all over the Rocky Mountains, they have
silver iodide "ground generators". From the high
areas, they pump silver iodide into the clouds,
coaxing moisture out of them. But then, they need
to seed more to get it to rain in the plains east of
Next thing you know, England has to cloud seed
to get it to rain there. And sometimes it works
and sometimes it doesn't. Yet they keep pumping
that silver iodide into the atmosphere, all
around the globe, and it's accumulating.
Did you realize Silver Iodide (Agl) is listed
as a pesticide?
Did you know that combining Silver Iodide and
Silver Nitrate you create Potassium Iodide. You
know, the stuff that blocks your thyroid so you
don't take in radiation.
Anyways, watch out for the Mississippi river. They're
saying the tributaries are flowing backwards.
Here, I'll show some evidence of what I'm talking about. The weather mod thing consists basically of three things.

Injecting chemicals, mostly silver iodide because it works the best.

Ways of injecting chemicals are, ground based generators that burn
a propane or acetone based silver iodide. They only do this when the
clouds are low, so the Agl gets into the cloud.

Then there is aircraft spraying, and rockets. These are local efforts.

The chemtrails are a global weather manipulation scheme, and water
is the product they are making money off of. That, and huge weather
stock markets.

Chemtrail manipulate the jets stream, and force feed the stratosphere with silver iodide and associated chemicals. Geoengineering.

2a. There is a possible space based satellite system injecting Agl directly into
the ionosphere, but I can't prove that.

HAARP, or scalar wave technology. Those funky waves in the clouds, the weird shapes. A lot of this has to do with scalar wave manipulation of
the water coated silver iodide particles causing them to move, affecting the jet stream. Since silver is corrosion resistant, electrically conductive, it is perfect when attached to a salt particle (iodide) that attract water to it.

Now, I'm going to show a couple of stills from the current NASA weather loop
to illustrate my point.

First image shows ground generators pumping Agl in the NM, CO Rocky Mountain Range.

(they are the little squiggly lines)

Then, a little later, as the two storms start to combine, they use HAARP to heat the area between the two storms, allowing the moisture to soak up
into the two storms.

That is illustrated in this image.

(see the scalar waves?)

If you watch the loop, you can see the effects. They are subtle, but on the scale we are considering, it about the size of England.


美國龍捲風災區仍待恢復 洪水威脅又至


