
奧巴馬 - 光明會培育計劃的產品?

奧巴馬 - 光明會培育計劃的產品?
Obama - Product of Illuminati Breeding Program?
September 19, 2011
By Clifford Shack
(Excerpt by henrymakow.com)
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Obama's father and mother were supposed to have met in a Russian language course at the University of Hawaii in 1960. But the picture above shows Barrack Obama Sr. being welcomed by his future father-in-law, Stanley Dunham, at Honolulu Airport in 1959. They are seen standing next to each other as someone flashes a V-sign behind and between them.

Presidential Breeding:
The Making Of A Black President

In 1992, at a Moscow dinner party, Tom Fife heard the name "Barack" for the first time. A Communist zealot told him that this child had been planned by the Illuminati Communist cabal to become the first Black President of the United States:
"Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born, and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of presidents. He is what you call 'Ivy League.' You don't believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa. That's right, a chocolate baby! And he's going to be your president."
"He is already born" makes it sound like his birth was planned.
Barack Obama, Jr. is the product of an American mother and a Kenyan father. Just how did those two lovebirds come together? The official story is they met innocently in a Russian language class. But the picture above shows Obama's grandfather greeting his father at the airport in 1959. It is also believed that Barack Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham and her father, Stanley Armour Dunham, both worked for the CIA.
Why did the Illuminati choose Barack Obama Sr. (above) to father America's future Black president? Who was this man?

According to Wikipedia:

"In 1959, Obama Sr. received a scholarship in economics through a program organized by [CIA-supported] nationalist leader Tom Mboya. The program offered Western educational opportunities to outstanding Kenyan students. Initial financial supporters of the program included [Illuminati pawns] Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Jackie Robinson, and Elizabeth Mooney Kirk, a literacy advocate who provided most of the financial support for Obama Sr.'s early years in the United States, according to the Tom Mboya archives at Stanford University... When Obama Sr. left for America, he left behind his baby son, Roy, and his young wife, Kezia, who was pregnant with their daughter, Auma."

Who was Elizabeth Mooney Kirk? Was she CIA?
Wikipedia continues:
"In September 1959, Obama Sr. enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu as the university's first African foreign student. ... In September 1960, Obama Sr. met Stanley Ann Dunham in a basic Russian language course at the University of Hawaii. Dunham dropped out of the University of Hawaii after the fall 1960 semester after becoming pregnant, while Obama Sr. continued his education. Obama Sr. married Dunham in Wailuku on the Hawaiian island of Maui on 2 February 1961. He eventually told Dunham about his previous marriage in Kenya, but said he was divorced--which she found out years later was a lie."

Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, Sr. were chosen by the Illuminati to parent a future black president. Dunham's father was a distant cousin of six previous presidents. She, being a white woman would also lighten the baby's skin making the child more appealing to American voters while at the same time dislocating their sense of racial identity. Barack Obama Jr. was born August 4, 1961. But the question remains, Why Barack Obama of Kenya?

A possible explanation is that Barack Obama Sr. (1936-1962) was the grandson of Theodore Roosevelt, US President from 1901-09. After his presidency ended in 1909, Roosevelt ventured on a year-long safari to British East Africa, on behalf of the Smithsonian Institute and the National Geographic.

At the turn of the last century, the British East Africa Protectorate was considered a "hot spot" for the European elite. Is it reasonable to assume that many a European gentlemen went back home to Europe or the U.S., leaving behind a little "black" secret? The Global Elite would make good use of some of these children. Those that showed promise may have been incorporated into more than one emerging African nation.

Perhaps one of those "secret" children would be an appropriate candidate for a non-African nation? The Illuminati delight in devising ironic and elaborate long-term schemes. The Frankenstein-like breeding of a Black president is just one of them.

In an attempt to engineer America's first Black president, the Illuminati may have arranged a "marriage" for the Kenyan grandson of Theodore Roosevelt.

Habiba Akumu Obama, left, also known as Akumu Nyanjoga (c.1918-2006) was Barack Obama's paternal grandmother. Obama wrote that she was miserable in her marriage and abandoned her husband and children and subsequently married again and moved to present-day Tanzania.

Luos tribe people are given names related to the circumstances of their birth and Akumu means "mysterious birth".

She took the name Habiba upon her conversion to Islam. This photograph shows her holding her son, Barack Sr, on her lap. It is on the cover of President Obama's memoir!

Was Akumu "mysterious birth" the daughter of Teddy Roosevelt?

The problem is one of age. Was she really born in 1918? TR visited Kenya in 1909. Or was she really born in 1910? The picture at left was probably taken in 1938. Does this woman look 20 years old or 28?

Whatever the truth, Barack Obama Sr. may have been chosen to sire the future President. The question is why him? Was he TR's grandson, or is there another reason?


Obama NWO Speech in Berlin
奧巴馬在柏林的 新世界秩序演說

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