
光明會每月象徵性圖片 (12年1月)

VigilantCitizen: Symbolic Pics of the Month (January)
公民警惕:光明會每月象徵性圖片 (1月)

光明會每月象徵性圖片 (12年1月)
Symbolic Pics of the Month (01/12)
By VC |
January 2nd, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog
It's January and it is time for a new calendar. This year, why don't you pic up this calendar by fashion photographer Tejal Patni featuring soulless robotic models blankly staring nowhere and manipulated by machines? You'll be reminded everyday about how the fashion industry is riddled with MKULTRA imagery. For example, who wouldn't love to look at this tribute to mind control, complete with a fake face and mechanical hands (representing handlers) during the entire month of October?
它是1月了及它是要一個新日曆的時候。這一年,為什麼你不用照片塞滿此日曆,由時裝攝影師 Tejal帕特尼客串面無表情地盯著無處的沒有靈魂機器人模特兒和由機器操縱呢?你每天都會被提醒有關時裝界如何以MK精神控制來打啞謎。例如,誰會不愛看這對精神控制表示的敬意,在整個10月月用假臉和機械手(代表處理者)來完成?
Miss September also appears to be under mind control. While she's sitting on a chair that appears to have to capability to "program" (or torture her), her handlers (represented by hands) are hard at work.
A screenshot from the beginning of Willow Smith's video Fireball. The hidden eye is just to remind the world who owns her.
一張截圖來自Willow Smith的視頻火球的開始,隱藏的眼睛只是提醒世界誰擁有她。
A promotional ad featuring the Oregon Ducks' uniform for the 2012 Rose Bowl - remodelled by Nike. Can you recognize the handsign?
一促銷廣告具有俄勒岡鴨子為2012年玫瑰碗的製服 - 由耐克公司改造。你能認出手上的標誌嗎?
This photo collection by Kristian Schuller features a lot of MK symbolism. Here, multiple personalities and, of course, the one-eye thing.
Another pic from that collection....Monarches everywhere.
The Darkest Hour is the Hour Before Dawn by Charley Greenfield & Brooke Holmes. Is this still fashion?


光明會每月象徵性圖片 (11年12月)

光明會每月象徵性圖片 (12年2月)

