


Mexican swine flu outbreak kills 29, infects nearly 1,500
By BNO News
Saturday, January 28th, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog

MEXICO CITY (BNO NEWS) -- An ongoing swine flu outbreak in Mexico has left at least 29 people dead and nearly 1,500 others infected, health officials confirmed on Saturday. Thousands more are also ill as the country faces several types of flu this season.
墨西哥城(BNO新聞) - 一項在墨西哥持續的豬流感疫情已造成至少29人死亡,及近1,500其他人被感染,衛生官員上週六證實。還有成千上萬的人亦感不適,因為該國面對本季幾種流感。
Since the start of the ongoing winter season, at least 7,069 people have reported suffering from symptoms similar to those of swine flu. Lab tests are still underway and have so far confirmed 1,456 cases of the disease, which is officially known as A/H1N1.
According to Mexico's Health Ministry (SSA), at least twenty-nine people have died of swine flu so far this season. While no health emergency has been declared, officials expect the death toll will rise in the coming weeks as Mexico also faces A/H3N2 and B influenza.
根據墨西哥衛生部(SSA),本季至今至少有二十九人死於豬流感。雖然沒有健康的緊急情況宣布,官員預計死亡人數將在未來幾週上升,因為墨西哥還面對 A/H3N2和流感B。
The H1N1 influenza virus emerged in the Mexican state of Veracruz in April 2009 and quickly spread around the world, causing the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a global flu pandemic in June 2009. At least 18,000 people have died of the disease since, although the actual number is believed to be far higher.

In August 2010, the WHO declared that the swine flu pandemic was over. "In the post-pandemic period, influenza disease activity will have returned to levels normally seen for seasonal influenza," the WHO said at the time. "It is expected that the pandemic virus will behave as a seasonal influenza A virus."

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