

Mysterious explosions still unexplained
Posted: Thursday, January 12, 2012 -
By Rod Hughes
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Authorities say the boom was not a volcanic eruption or a supersonic aircraft.
Monday morning started off with a bang for residents of the Central Valley when a loud, as yet unidentified, series of booms rattled windows about 30 minutes after midnight. Many did not hear it, but enough people did to cause a firestorm of comment on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
週一上午中央谷地的居民開始以一下爆炸聲,當尚未查明的一系列響亮隆隆聲在午夜之後使窗口發出咯咯聲約 30分鐘後口。很多人聽不到它,但有足夠的人們確在社交媒體例如Facebook和Twitter造成評論的軒然大波。
The strange sound was prolonged – many described it as lasting for five minutes or so. Perhaps the only one making no comments were scientists and government authorities, who were reticent about commenting or speculating. A few things it wasn’t: Volcanologists discounted a volcanic eruption; nor was it a supersonic aircraft, because the powerful radar at Juan Santamaría International Airport outside of San José picked up no planes at the time, not even subsonic ones.
奇怪的聲音歷久不去 - 許多人形容它延續五分鐘左右。也許唯一沒作評論的是科學家和政​​府機構,他們對評論或猜測沉默寡言。有幾件事情它不是:火山學家不相信是火山噴發;亦不是超音速飛機,因為在聖何塞外的胡安聖瑪麗亞國際機場的強大雷達在當時沒有發現飛機,甚至沒有亞音速的。
Also, there were no climatological phenomena or strange weather conditions. By nightfall Monday, the speculation was still going along briskly with the major vote going to fireworks at the festival at Zapote, in San José. But many said it sounded like no fireworks they had ever heard. Mario Sánchez, spokesman for the National Meteorological Institute, discounted a storm because the only thing that would sound like the noise described would be a storm accompanied by lightning – and early Monday morning was clear with a full moon.
另外,沒有氣候現象或奇怪的天氣情况。在週一夜幕降臨時猜測仍在繼續,隨著輕快的主要投票在聖何塞薩波特節日的煙花。但許多人說,它聽起來並不像他們聽過的煙花聲。國家氣象研究所發言人馬里奧桑切斯不相信是風暴,因為唯一聽起來像描述噪音的東西,會是一場伴隨行雷閃電的風暴 - 而星期一早晨是清晣且帶著盈月。
The sound reverberated in Coronado, Heredia, Desamparados, Escazú, Cartago, San Ramón, Turrialba and as far south as Pérez Zeledón near the Panama border.
聲音迴盪在科羅納多、埃雷迪亞、Desamparados,Escazú、卡塔戈、聖拉蒙、圖里亞爾瓦和遠至南部靠近巴拿馬邊境的城市如佩雷斯 Zeledon。
Rafael Arias, advisor to the San José Municipality, confessed to being puzzled. Yes, he told the daily La Nación, there were fireworks that closed out the fiestas, and they might have been heard as far away as Desamparados – but not in San Joaquín de Flores. Although other citizens might be celebrating with fireworks, they certainly would not be heard that far away, he added.

The owner of fireworks firm Cavica, Carlos Villavicencio, thinks it could have been his company’s work in the night. “Yes, we closed out the festival with about 150 bombetas [exploding aerial bombs].” But he still couldn’t explain how they could have been heard in Turrialba.

The director of the School of Physics at the University of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Carboni, scoffed that only a volcanic eruption could be heard that far away. But Fabio Antonio Chávez, a Zapote resident, was not convinced the fireworks didn’t cause the uproar.

He told La Nación, “They set off my car alarm. They were very strong. ... I’ve never seen anything like them in the 10 years I’ve lived here.”


哥斯達黎加全城聽到的恐怖怪聲 (西班牙語)

哥斯達黎加:圖里亞爾瓦火山爆發“黃色”警報 (聲爆來源證實)

