

White-Nose Syndrome Devastates Pennsylvania Bat Population
by Kate Malongowski
January 30, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog
(U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
Brown bats with white-nose syndrome, like this one in Barton Cave in Fayette Co., face a 90% mortality rate.

The little brown bat could be wiped out in the northeastern United States within the next decade by white-nose syndrome according to new projections.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says that since 2006, when white-nose syndrome was initially discovered, as many as 6.7 million bats have died from that disease.
Bats control pests on farms and in forests and serve as important pollinators.
Spokeswoman Ann Froschauer says some bat species are affected more than others, but typically the fungal disease is 80 to 85 percent fatal.
發言人 Ann Froschauer說,某些種類的蝙蝠比別的較受影響,但通常地真菌疾病是80%至85%致命的。
“The little brown bat in the northeast is right around 90 percent mortality right now,” Froschauer said. “So… that doesn’t leave a lot of bats to try to repopulate. So there continues to be problems for the remaining bats.”
“在東北的小棕蝠死亡率現在是大約90%,”Froschauer說。 “所以...並沒有留下大量的蝙蝠嘗試重新移居,因此繼續是問題給餘下的蝙蝠。“
Some caves in Pennsylvania that have been tracked are even worse. For instance, in Bucks County, the Durham caves had nearly 7,400 bats in 2004. In 2011, only 161 bats were counted — a stunning 98 percent loss over seven years. These were once home to one of the largest wild bat populations in the state.
一些在賓夕法尼亞州已被追踪的洞穴是雪上加霜的,例如在雄鹿縣,達勒姆洞穴在2004年有近7,400只蝙蝠;在2011年,只數得161只蝙蝠 - 7年來有驚人的98%損失。這在州中曾一度是最大野生蝙蝠種群之一的家。
Other tracked Pennsylvania caves aren’t any better. Three caves had bats in the single digits. One cave had no bats at all.

Froschauer says even with current efforts to repopulate bats, it could take centuries to bring them back to previous levels. Bats can only produce about one baby per year.





