

CIA installed nuclear surveillance device atop Himalayas mountains
January 2, 2012
Joseph Fitsanakis
The United States Central Intelligence Agency tried at least twice to install a nuclear-powered surveillance device atop the Indian Himalayas, in an effort to spy on China. The decision to plant the device was taken in 1964, soon after communist China detonated its first nuclear bomb. In 1965, a team of CIA operatives attempted to climb Nanda Devi in the Garhwal Himalayas, which, at 25,645 feet (7,816 meters), is the highest mountain peak located entirely within Indian territory. But the top-secret mission failed miserably after adverse weather forced the CIA team to give up its effort approximately 2,000 feet below the summit. Battling against a heavy snowstorm, the CIA officers abandoned the 125-pound device, which was eventually swept away (.pdf document) by an avalanche. Incredibly, the team members deserted the surveillance device even though they knew it contained plutonium 238, which can emit radioactivity for over 500 years.
美國中央情報局至少兩次試圖在印度喜馬拉雅山之巔安裝核動力的監控設備,以圖努力監視中國。植樹設備是在1964年決定,不久之後共產主義中國引爆第一枚原子彈。 在1965年,一隊中情局的特工小組試圖爬上在25,645英尺(七千八百一十六米)的瓦爾喜馬拉雅山的南大黛維,那是完全位於印度領土內的最高山峰。但絕密任務慘遭失敗,在惡劣天氣迫使中情局隊放棄努力後,約在峰頂以下 2,000英尺。與一場重型雪災對抗,中情局官員竟放棄 125磅重的設備,這最終被雪崩捲走(.pdf文檔)。令人難以置信的是,小隊成員們遺棄監控設備,儘管他們知道它含有钚238,那可發放超過500年的放射性。
In 1966, the same CIA team returned to Nanda Devi, in an effort to recover the complex surveillance instrument, but failed to locate it. In response to the second failed mission, the Agency decided to close the book on Nanda Devi, and instead constructed an identical surveillance device, which was transported and installed on Nanda Kot, a mountain peak located about nine miles (15 km) southeast of Nanda Devi. At 6,861 meters, Nanda Kot is about 3,000 feet shorter and far less steep than Nanda Devi. In 1967, a successful CIA attempt was made to reach the peak of Nakda Kot, where the radioactive surveillance device was installed. It is believed that it served its purpose before being abandoned there in 1968.
1966年,同樣的中情局隊伍返回南大黛維,企圖努力恢復複雜的監視儀器,但未能找到它。對第二個任務的失敗回應,局決定封閉南大黛維一页,及取而代之建造相同的監控設備,那被運送和安裝在南大噶,位於南大黛維東南約9英里(15公里)的一座山峰。在6,861米,南大噶約莫較矮 3,000英尺及遠不如南大黛維陡峭。 1967年,中央情報局的一項到達 Nakda噶山峯的嘗試成功,放射性監測設備被安裝了。據認為,它在1968年被遺棄之前達成其目的。
Ten years later, in 1978, both operations were revealed in an article published in US-based Outside magazine. The revelation caused a major political uproar in India, as many Indians consider the Himalayas ‘sacred’ ground. Now the National Archives of India has released a batch of previously classified internal documents from India’s Ministry of External Affairs. The documents reveal that the 1978 disclosure of the two CIA operations caused a serious political crisis in India’s governing establishment and caused some damage in the bilateral ties between Washington and New Delhi.
十年後,於 1978年,這兩項行動在一份美基雜誌外面的一篇文章中透被露,揭示在印度引起重大的政治軒然大波,因為許多印度人認為喜馬拉雅山是“神聖”土地。現在印度國家檔案館公佈一批之前保密、來自印度對外事務部的內部文件。文件顯示1978年披露的兩項中情局行動,在印度執政結構造成嚴重的的政治危機,並在華盛頓和新德里之間的雙邊關係造成一些損害。
What is perhaps more interesting is that, according to the newly declassified documents, the government of India appears to have been unaware that both CIA missions in the Himalayas were undertaken with the direct collaboration of Indian intelligence. One inevitably wonders whether that was because the Congress Party, which ruled India for decades, but had lost the 1977 national election, had failed to let the governing left-leaning Janata Party coalition about the CIA operations. Or could it be that the Congress Party was also in the dark about the CIA’s Himalaya spy expeditions?


