

US and EU joining forces to seize Iran's oil?

UK ready to send more warships into Gulf in 'clear signal' to Tehran
Kim Sengupta
Wednesday 25 January 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Britain could send military reinforcements to the Gulf in the escalating confrontation with Iran, the Defence Secretary said yesterday as the Tehran regime declared it would "defend the nation" against the threat posed by an EU oil embargo.
Philip Hammond said contingency plans were in place to send extra warships, aircraft and troops to the region if it became necessary. He said the decision to send a flotilla led by the American aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln through the Strait of Hormuz – which Iran had threatened to block – sent "a clear signal about the resolve of the international community to defend the right of free passage through international waters."
菲利普哈蒙德說,如果有必要,應急預案到位以派送額外的艦艇、飛機和部隊到該地區。他說,決定遣送一支艦隊以美國航母“亞伯拉罕林肯”號為首通過霍爾木茲海峽 - 伊朗曾威脅要封鎖的 - 發出“一個明確信號,國際社會的決心對通過國際水域保衛自由通行的權利。“
A British frigate, HMS Argyll, and a French warship were part of the convoy, which sailed within a few miles of the Iranian coast. The UK has about 1,500 naval personnel in the Indian Ocean serving on four minesweepers, two frigates, three support ships, a survey vessel and a hunter-killer submarine. A Response Force Task Group of Royal Marines, helicopters and naval vessels set up last year could also be deployed at short notice.
一艘英國護衛艦 HMS阿皆老,和一艘法國軍艦是艦隊的部份,那在伊朗海岸幾英里範圍內航行。英國有大約 1,500名海軍人員在印度洋的四架掃雷艇、2艘護衛艦、3艘支援艦、一架調查船和一艘獵人殺手潛艇上服役。一隊皇家海軍陸戰隊的快速反應部隊工作組、直升機和海軍艦艇在去年成立,也可在短時間內部署。
HMS Daring, a destroyer with specialist air-defence capabilities, is already sailing toward Suez on a six-month mission against piracy and drug smuggling and could be diverted in an emergency. HMS Westminster, a frigate used during the Libya campaign last summer, left Portsmouth in southern England on Monday and could reach Hormuz within a week.
一艘有HMS專科防空能力的驅逐艦大膽已經在執行一項打擊盜版和走私毒品的6個月任務,可以在緊急情況下轉移,朝蘇伊士運河航行。去年夏天在利比亞運動使用的一艘護衛艦 HMS西敏寺,星期一離開英格蘭南部樸茨茅斯,並可能在一個星期內達到霍爾木茲海峽。
The French frigate, La Motte Picquet, which took part in the Hormuz exercise, had departed and there were no plans for further forces to be sent, a spokesman at the Defence Ministry in Paris, Colonel Thierry Burkhard, said yesterday. But he stressed that an infantry battalion of about 650 troops and six Rafale fighter-bombers based in the United Arab Emirates would be available if hostilities break out.

The US has augmented its 5th Fleet at Manama Bay in Bahrain with a second aircraft-carrier, USS Carl Vinson, joining USS Abraham Lincoln. The Pentagon said the enhanced presence would continue and is considered to be adequate for whatever mission is required.

There has been no discernible Iranian military reaction to the Western manoeuvres. Yesterday, the Danish ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Tehran to be told of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's displeasure with the sanctions, which are intended to pressure Tehran into resuming talks on the country's controversial nuclear program.

"Elements within the European Union, by pursuing the policies of the US and adopting a hostile approach, are seeking to create tensions with the Islamic Republic of Iran," Ali Asghar Khaji, a senior Foreign Ministry official, said. "The behaviour of the EU is irrational and will not stop the Islamic Republic of Iran from defending its national interest."

A senior official of the Oil Ministry, Alireza Nikzad Rahbar, said the embargo may end up by helping Tehran by creating a shortage in supplies. "Europe will be the loser and we will earn more because of high prices," he said.


