

Massive Radioactive Cloud Engulfs Brisbane Australia; Troubling Implications For US West Coast

HAARP And How Fukushima Radiation Beamed Down To Australia
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Former General Editor - The Japan Times Weekly
Rense.com World Exclusive - Links Encouraged
Translation by Autumnson Blog

The oddity of an eight-fold rise in radiation levels on the Caloundra Peninsula in southeast Australia, as reported in the South Coast Daily, defies logic since nuclear particles should have been diluted and more evenly spread after traversing the distance of 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles) from Japan. Nuclear dust out of Fukushima actually travels over a much longer span before reaching Down Under, circling the globe several times and swirling madly due to air resistance to the Earth’s rotation.
Since a radiation spike near Brisbane cannot be explained by the normal laws of geophysics, the hot particles from Fukushima must have taken a short cut between the northern and southern hemispheres. In fact, a fast track does exist, an alternative route via an “artificial radiation belt” arching through the upper atmosphere from Alaska to Australia. Devised under a U.S. Navy program that started in 1957, the 'sky bridge' is composed of fast-moving super-charged protons trapped inside a field line or 'ring current'...a part of the Earth’s natural electromagnetic field.
The artificial beltway of ions is periodically recharged by the antennae array in Gakona, Alaska, known as HAARP, short for High-Altitude Auroral Research Project. After a half-century of official silence about the program, Pentagon has recently acknowledged its creation as an anti-missile shield in a 2010 report from Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
離子的人工環城高速公路是定期地由阿拉斯加Gakona的天線陣列 - 以HAARP知名 ,短寫是高海拔極光研究項目 - 充電。在半世紀的官方沉默有關該計劃後,五角大樓最近已在一份來自國防威脅降低局的2010年報告承認其創造,是為反導彈防禦系統。
The report confirms that, under orders from the Eisenhower administration, the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies created least two such electromagnetic arches in 1958 by detonating nuclear warheads at high-altitude:
報告證實,在艾森豪威爾政府的命令下,五角大樓和美國情報機構於 1958年以在高空引爆核彈頭,創建至少兩個這樣的電磁拱:
Operation Hardtack, a series of 35 nuclear tests that included four successive high-altitude atomic explosions over Johnson Atoll in the Pacific, later supplemented by the Alaskan HAARP facility; and Operation Argus, a series of covert rocket-launched nuclear blasts over the South Atlantic, later refreshed by HAARP stations in Thule Airbase, Greenland, and the EISCAT array in Tromso, Norway.
Hardtack行動,一系列35次的核試驗,包括連續四次在約翰遜環礁上空的高海拔原子彈爆炸,之後由阿拉斯加的HAARP設施補充;和阿格斯行動,一系列在南大西洋上空掩蓋的火箭發射核爆炸,之後由格陵蘭島圖勒空軍基地和挪威特特羅素的EISCAT陣列的 HAARP站更新。
These top-secret operations were intended to form shields of high-energy protons against Soviet ballistic missiles on the flanks of the North American continent. In early January this year, the ring current over the Pacific inadvertently served as a conduit for huge dosages of cesium, strontium and other radioactive protons to be transported into distant Australia. This “accidental” hijacking of HAARP, if repeated, could lead to the extinction of living creatures across Oceania and Southern Africa.

Beyond the Beach

Stanley Kramer’s classic film “On the Beach” (1959), depicting the end of human life following a nuclear war, assumed that it would take five months for radiation from north of the Equator to reach the last survivors in Australia. The script, based on a novel by Neville Shute, was much too optimistic. Fallout from the March 11 meltdown at Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant landed over Oceania within five weeks.

Even that is a snail’s pace compared with riding the HAARP-assisted electromagnetic field line. Following the New Years earthquake in Japan, much more concentrated dosages of Fukushima particles were measured in Australia in a mere five days. What a difference technology makes! The cast of “On the Beach” ­ Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner and Anthony Perkins ­ would have thought a sky bridge to be a fantasy out of science fiction, even though it was created just a year before the movie’s release.

Today, five decades later, there are still educated people who refuse to comprehend the pervasiveness of electromagnetic technology in contemporary society, even though they use mobile phones, watch television, switch off their digital devices aboard airplanes, and put their bodies through scanners. Some of these know-nothings are editors and producers with news media, who consider HAARP to be the wild imaginings of conspiracy theorists. Why bother to take on the difficulties of understanding a complex technology when blissful ignorance is far less troubling?

The Greek Paperclip

The theoretic outline for creating an electromagnetic sky bridge is credited to an electrical engineer named Nicholas Constantine Christofilos (the surname in Greek means “the love of Christ”). His official biography from his chief employer, the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, contains obvious inconsistencies. Born in Boston in 1916, he was educated at a technical school in Greece, where he remained throughout the Axis occupation (1941-45), a rather curious choice for an American citizen.

Under the Nazi occupation, Christofilos ran an elevator business, according to the official record. This out-of-character career sounds much like a cavalier cover story concocted by an OSS officer, since Athens was then a low-rise city of walk-up flats, and largely still remains so today. Its first office tower, requiring lifts, wasn’t constructed until 1971.

During the war years, the Greek “elevator engineer” focused on the German theories on particle physics or Deutsche Physik, presumably based on the papers of Werner Heisenberg, Paul Harteck and Erik Schumann. Much of this strategic field was, however, a well-kept secret under the Nazi-sponsored Uranprojekt.

Under the auspices of unnamed benefactors at war’s end, Christofilos was soon working for Livermore Lab on high-energy particle physics. In 1957, he proposed the creation of artificial radiation belts over the ocean, even though the natural Van Allen belts were not discovered until the following year by Explorer 1, the first American satellite launch. Within a year, the Navy was implementing his plan.

Christophilos served as chief scientist for the Operation Argus blasts in the South Atlantic in 1958, but apparently not over the larger Hardtack test series in the Pacific. It is hard to fathom why the Navy would name its nuclear extravaganza after the pasty-tasting dry biscuit fed to sailors. Hardtack does have striking similarity to the surname of Paul Harteck, the physicist who headed the German military’s atom bomb program during World War II.

There is a strong possibility that Christophilos was writing proposals to the Navy on behalf of the German physicists he so admired, probably with the quiet approval of their American supervisors from the Paperclip program, which had smuggled German scientists to the West. The launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957, triggered a frenzied scientific rivalry ­ along with a missile duel ­ between the U.S. and USSR. The Joint Chiefs had no choice but to give a blank check to rocket scientist Werner von Braun. The rapid deployment of the missile shield indicated that Harteck’s disciples were probably also given every incentive to roll out their esoteric technologies.

Operation Hardtack comprised a variety of nuclear tests, 35 in total. Three high-altitude blasts over Johnson Atoll were related to the Christophilos proposal:

Yucca ­ a balloon-lifted device exploded in the lower stratosphere (15 miles up)

Teak ­ 1.9 megaton warhead aboard a Redstone rocket into the mesosphere (45 miles)

Orange ­ 1.9 megaton aboard a Redstone, detonated at upper stratosphere (25 miles)

After the successful experiments to create artificial radiation belts, Christophilos was invited by the CIA to join the JASON group of military-related scientists.

Spiraling Protons

The Hardtack and Argus shields are created with captured high-energy protons from nuclear fission or from the splitting of neutrons by cosmic rays below the stratosphere. The protons are reflected at the edges of the existing (natural) electromagnetic field line, spiraling along the entire arc. While some protons are lost in transit or at the terminus over land, most simply bounce back in the opposite direction, volleying back and forth between the polar regions like ping pong balls.

Starting in troposphere, the field line then arcs out to a turning point 150 miles over the Equator, before descending to the terminus, much like a rainbow. The arc does not move along a north-south longitudinal line, but instead follows the slanting magnetic axis between the magnetic poles, which are skewed away from the Earth’s rotational axis. The path is not quite a straight line as on a flat map since the Earth’s curvature also has to be taken into account.

Connect the Dots - Made in Fukushima

The alignment of HAARP with the Pacific Ring current in January results in roughly the following longitudinal positions:
HAARP facility, Gakona, Alaska ­ 172 degrees E

Johnson Atoll ­ 169 E

Caloundra-Brisbane ­ 153 E

With a short step back in time, it can be inferred that a meltdown started soon after the January 1 Izu Earthquake, after damage was done to the cooling pools for the spent fuel rods atop Reactor 4. At some point between January 6 and 9, the heat was intense enough to trigger the release of a large burst of electrons from the melting fuel rods.

The lightweight negative-charged electrons were propelled northeastward by the Earth’s rotation and the jet stream. After traversing Alaska, some of those electrons were captured over the HAARP range, feeding into the electromagnetic sky bridge.

The heavier and slower protons, partly stripped of their electron shells, chased after the speedy negative charges and were thus also sucked up into the sky bridge. Within a few days, the remnant ionic charges over the Anchorage-Valdez-Fairbanks triangle were equalized, and the flow of protons into the sky bridge slowed dramatically. The radioactive particles resumed their movement toward negative-charged magnetic North Pole, ripping down the protective ozone layer.

At the other end of the Rainbow Bridge, heavier protons dropped out over land in Australia. Since land masses and protons carry a positive charge, magnetic repellance slowed their descent and spread the radiation over a wide area. Nonetheless, the concentration of radioactive protons was significant, measuring 8 times higher than normal readings for the isolated region.

While a significant dose was delivered for a relatively short period, the threat remains for more radiation fast-tracking to Australia if Fukushima experiences more flash events. The fact that a surprising amount of radiation showed up in Australia so quickly, it can also be surmised that the meltdown of spent fuel rods at Reactor 4 was intense. Indeed, local residents reported that the Fukushima plant was evacuated in the first week of January. The Australian spike is showing that the Japanese government and nuclear-plant operator Tepco are being dishonest in claiming a cold shutdown at Fukushima when, in fact, the nuclear plant is undergoing a new crisis.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government has never issued a risk assessment on its high-altitude anti-missile shields, which include:

- the threat of cancer due to fallout from nuclear explosions in the stratosphere;

- adverse effects on the Earth’s electromagnetic field, which protects the atmosphere;

- loses of satellites and destruction of property on the ground; and

- financial losses from program failure due with anti-radiation cloaking of missiles,

Aum on the Range

Sixteen years ago, this writer warned about the dangers of electromagnetic warfare technology, but governments, communities and the press refused to take heed, preferring the comfort of falsehood. Today, those esoteric weapons systems are threatening the immediate future of the population that they were supposed to protect. The real enemy is not some robotic military force abroad; rather it is human laxity, ignorance and fear that have led to reliance on flawed technologies for security.

Knowledgeable figures, including retired Senator Sam Nunn (now head of the Nuclear Threat Initiative), concurred with the 1995 investigative journalism of this editor and his Japan Times Weekly reporting team that the Aum Shinrikyo sect was conducting research into “seismic induction” with long-frequency radio waves. At a Senate Armed Services committee hearing, Nunn himself warned of terrorists producing or hijacking earthquake-triggering weapons.

The investigative trail led from the Tokyo subway gassing to Kalgoorie, Western Australia, where Aum scientists had established a research ranch in the early 1990s. Upon arrival at the dusty sheep station in the early 1990s, the Aum team members immediately began to take readings of the ground current. At the time, the Pentagon and the Australian Air Force was conducting secret tests of electromagnetic weapons at the nearby Jindalee Test Range. These were being tracked and observed by Aum.

The end results of HAARP’s long-distance effects were spectacular. From Australian scientists, I received photos of light sabers and luminous crosses in clear blue skies. The capper, however, was a nuclear-scale blast that destroyed a gold mine, apparently caused by an electromagnetic strike. HAARP was no longer a defensive missile shield, it was being transformed into an instrument of international aggression.

Our series of interviews of Aum cadres, including their local convert ­ a former member of the esoteric Sukyo Mahikari apolyptic sect ­ pointed to official collaboration between high-level sponsors in the governments of Japan and Australia. The elite supporters of Aum included local politicians benefiting from Gold Coast investments by the Anzen-Kyowa finance company along with wealthy Australians from Bond University and “super-rich circles of Perth,” some of them associates of Adnan Kashoggi, the arms dealer who ran the Iran-Contra scheme.

The real estate agent who acquired the Kalgoorie ranch for Aum was married to an officer with the rank of major in the Australian Defence Intelligence service. In the wake of the Tokyo subway gassing, the Australian military and police launched a massive cover-up to hide their links with the sect. A mysterious team in white safety suits flew into Kalgoorie to plant fake evidence of “sarin experiments” on sheep. (Sarin was never used inside the Tokyo subways, according the Self-Defense Force team that initially entered the underground. Based on their American-made detectors, mustard gas was the primary toxin. The Japan Times Weekly was the only press to ever interview the SDF on the gassing incident. The rest of the media hid their heads like ostriches.)

What the Canberra government and the Pentagon were then hiding, of course, were their catastrophic experiments with HAARP technology as a geophysical weapon of mass destruction, triggering earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, large blasts, intense fires and psychological impairment. The Japanese intelligence service took a strong interest in this new generation of super-weapons, which could be guised as natural phenomena, and dispatched Aum to Australia on an espionage mission.

Hideo Murai, Aum’s chief scientist and astrophysicist, told Weekly reporters that the April 1995 Kobe-Hanshin Earthquake had been triggered by an “earthquake machine” based on a HAARP system operated by an unnamed “foreign power.” Initially, his claim seemed a bit crazed, but coming from someone with a higher IQ than Albert Einstein’s, we checked his veracity versus the existing record. In interviews with top seismologists, I learned that “curious readings” were measured in the ionosphere above Kobe for a period of “six months before the quake.”

The U.S. Patent Office had on file the early design for HAARP by Bernard Eastlund, then chief scientist with ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil Company). Eastlund aimed to burn gas from Alaskan oilfields to generate electricity and transfer that energy to California via an electromagnetic beam. For any remaining skeptics, consider how electricity is being transported by microwave.

On the week that I published the findings, Murai was murdered in front of television cameras by a knife-wielding rightist Korean gangster. Obviously, Western governments ordered a summary execution to be televised live over the evening news to encourage journalists from any further investigation. Despite threats and shooting deaths, our team continued to pursue those responsible, resulting in the prosecution of high-level politicians and their kin involve in the formation of Aum Shinrikyo as an international arms-purchasing front following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The entire story is far too convoluted to be discussed here.

I am describing these background events now for several reasons: first, to show the factual basis for the criminal uses of HAARP technology; second, to assign responsibility for the deaths of 6,000 victims of the Kobe quake and many other EM-related incidents; and, third, to send a signal to the White House staff, the CIA and Pentagon that their attempts to suppress the facts, including shooting the messengers, have failed and will continue to fail. The truth will prevail. - Yoichi Shimatsu



首先,TPTBs(the power that be)十二月初在南澳大肆噴灑:


項目丁香葉 - 病毒拖曳及其目的
澳洲NAMOI 雷達突爆H.A.A.R.P.環

不知去年布里斯班有鯊魚在市中心游戈的大水災是否由HAARP 發動,如是的話再加上這次,他們似乎在想滅絕這地方的生物,或至少以這地方作為武器試驗場。


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“HAARP環”預測 - 伊州、俄州、奧州、肯州、田州、阿州 - 監察2-3天內的嚴重情况

