
大數量人自殺 - 墨西哥的Tarahumara印第安人難忍嚴重的飢餓危機

Mexico's Tarahumara Indians suffering grave hunger crisis
Los Angeles Times
January 16, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog
REPORTING FROM MEXICO CITY -- Mexico's Tarahumara Indians, legendary for their endurance in long-distance running, are reeling from a devastating food shortage caused by a record freeze and long drought, officials say.
來自墨西哥城 - 墨西哥的Tarahumara印第安人以他們的耐力長跑成為傳奇,被一場由創紀錄的冰凍和長期乾旱造成的毀滅性糧食短缺所撓起,官員說。
The Mexican Red Cross and regional and federal government agencies mobilized Monday to send emergency supplies to the mountains in the northern state of Chihuahua, where the Tarahumara live, usually in rudimentary conditions.
Part of the outpouring of help came after reports circulated of the mass suicide of 50 or more members of the community, desperate and despondent over not being able to feed their families. The reports of suicide were quickly denied by state government officials (link in Spanish).
But the hunger is real.
Even in the best of times, the Tarahumara live on the sustenance farming of corn and beans. Parts of Chihuahua, however, have endured for months the most severe drought in 70 years and, more recently, a hard freeze.
The Red Cross said it was delivering 220 tons of food and aid, plus 10,000 pieces of heavy clothing. The national government through its social development agency and the office of the mayor of Mexico City were sending money, blankets and thousands of food packages, many donated by citizens (links in Spanish).

Six people from the Tarahumara community have died of malnutrition in recent weeks, the peasant organization El Barzon told La Jornada newspaper (link in Spanish).


