
2012年 巨型加州地震及海嘯導致全球混亂,與耶穌很快回來? (長片)

以利秋的葡萄園 Autumnson's Vineyard

(視頻)2012年 巨型加州地震及海嘯導致全球混亂,與耶穌很快回來?
2012 MEGA California Earthquake & Tsunami Cause GLOBAL Chaos & Jesus' Soon RETURN???


God showed him the coming 9.0+ Japanese earthquake 2 weeks before it took place. The program was aired on live television and hundreds of people saw it and witnessed his word from God come to pass. And God has shown him something more about to happen to California...
Will the WARNINGS of many true PROPHETS of God and SCIENTISTS speaking of the coming MEGA California Earthquake and Tsunami to East & West Coast bring GLOBAL CHAOS, Food Shortages, Riots, Martial Law, Fema Camps, Worldwide Economic Collapse, One World Government/Currency, WWIII and ushering in the RAPTURE of JESUS CHRIST TO ONLY TRUE BELIEVERS followed by the 7 years of tribulation "hell on earth" with the judgments of God poured out?

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March 22, 2012 MEGAQUAKE & Next Axis Shift? (Warning For Your Loved Ones)
2012年3月22日巨型地震及下一次的軸移? (給您摯愛的警告)

