
瘋狂的32°:Nibiru、諾伊邁爾站、稱自己是上帝的布賴恩馬歇爾和更多! (長片)

以利秋的葡萄園 Autumnson's Vineyard

NEW! 32º of Insanity: 02.03.12 - Nibiru, Neumayer Station, Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall & MORE!

I did this VIDEO for a REASON..to show you all that no one pays attention to the real problem here which is the British THRONE! They are leading the world down into a World War! For what you say?/ Well to get rid of us ALL!
And you want to do a witch hunt on Brian because he voices he is GOD? Well, I have heard in many circles we are ALL GOD's...are we? Do we know? Do we live the LIE/? Do we buy into the delusion?? It is your choice..save yourself by finding your own truth...
我做這視頻為一個原因...來展示給你們所有人看沒有人關注真正的問題是英國王位!他們正在引領世界陷入世界戰爭!你說什麽?/ 嗯消滅我們所有人!


