
福島 - 到底發生什麼事

福島 - 到底發生什麼事
Fukushima - What Really Happened
February 1, 2012
by James Farganne
Translation by Autumnson Blog

As a hypothesis, Stuxnet explains why the generators failed. It explains how the valves in the passive cooling systems got shut off.
Reactor 3 vanished after exploding into a mushroom cloud

Recently, I posted a short overview of Jim Stone's Fukushima report, which concluded that the 9.0-magnitude quake was a lie concocted to conceal the real cause of the tsunami: a seabed nuke.
Stone's report proves definitively that the official story of 3/11, like that of 9/11, is a poorly woven fabric of lies and inconsistencies.
Drone photos show that the containment walls of Reactors 1, 3, and 4 were obliterated. Concrete walls 4 - 8 feet thick were blown to dust, leaving only skeletal rebar. Hydrogen, at such low pressure, could never have wrought such massive destruction. It would defy laws of physics, as well as historical precedent.
無人機的照片顯示,反應堆1、3、4號的安全圍堵牆都被刷去, 4-8英尺厚的混凝土牆被炸成塵埃,只留下骨骼的螺紋鋼。氫,在如此低的壓力下,從不可能造成這樣大規模的毀壞。這違背了物理的規律,以及歷史上的前例。
The destruction of Reactor 4's containment walls was a clear case of sabotage. It had no fuel in it, so it was not operating. Yet it blew sky high. Reactor 3 vanished completely, core and all, after exploding into a mushroom cloud.
4號反應堆安全圍堵牆的破壞是一清楚的破壞個案,它沒有燃料在內,它亦不是在操作中,然而它爆得比天高。 3號反應堆完全消失,核心和所有的,在爆炸成蘑菇雲後。
Claims by Arnie Gundersen that the explosions resulted from "prompt criticality" don't wash. Reactor core meltdowns do not produce mushroom clouds. Nuclear weapons do that. Moreover, Gundersen, "expert" mouthpiece for the MSM and alternative media outlets, has been outed by real professionals in his field as a fraud.
The foregoing facts are clear enough to the untrained eye. More subtle are signs of sabotage within the power plants' control systems. Seeing these takes more brainpower. You need to visualize the unfamiliar. You have to find out what switch gear is. There's a dry official report to hump through, diagrams at which to squint. You have to scroll toward the bottom of Stone's report for this section. It has no proper title. Just keep your eyes peeled for the first sentence:
"Fukushima was impossible."
This section was the kernel of Stone's investigation. It is a crystalline lattice of logic and evidence that obliterates the official story of the reactors' destruction as completely as the reactors were themselves destroyed.


According to officialdom, the reactors exploded because the cores overheated. The emergency cooling systems failed because the backup generators were flooded by the tsunami.
All of this is bogus. First, a careful reading of an official report from the World Nuclear Association reveals that the tsunami did not flood the generators. There was another cause for their malfunction.
Second, three of the nine cooling systems needed no electricity. They used steam power from the reactor cores. They were the real emergency systems. Swamped generators would therefore have been irrelevant.
Third, these three passive systems kicked in at Reactors 1 and 3. Then the valves that fed them steam were shut. This required a command. It was a deliberate act.
第三,這三個在反應堆 1和3號的被動系統反衝,然後餵入蒸汽的閥門被關閉。這需要一個指令,是一種蓄意的行為。
Who, or what, shut those valves?
The most likely answer points to Dimona, Israel's "nuclear research" center.


Israeli security firm Magna BSP landed a security contract at Fukushima Daiichi shortly after Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran. Soon after Magna BSP arrived, cybersecurity giant Symantec reported that the Stuxnet virus had infiltrated thousands of computers in Japan.
以色列安全公司麥格納 BSP在福島第一製藥弄到一份安全合同,在日本提出給予伊朗的鈾豐富後不久。麥格納BSP抵達後不久,網絡安全巨頭賽門鐵克報導,Stuxnet病毒已經滲透入日本的數千台電腦。
This is significant because Stuxnet is an Israeli invention. Magna BSP, an Israeli firm, had no previous history outside of contracts with Dimona, where the Stuxnet virus was born.
這是意義重大的因為 Stuxnet是一項以色列的發明。以色列的公司麥格納 BSP與Stuxnet病毒由此誕生的迪莫納,之前在外面是沒有合同歷史。
Stuxnet works by disrupting industrial hydraulics, the pipes and valves that drove Fukushima's cooling systems. Stuxnet runs amok while sending normal readings to the engineers at their control stations. Israel is documented to have used this virus to damage centrifuges at a nuclear facility in Iran.
The cooling systems at Fukushima were controlled by Siemens software, which the Stuxnet virus was designed specifically to attack.
Stuxnet can be administrated via the kind of data link that Magna BSP installed before scramming back to Israel just prior to the disaster.
As a hypothesis, Stuxnet explains why the generators failed. It explains how the valves in the passive cooling systems got shut. It explains why engineers are still getting containment pressure readings from Reactor 3, even though the containment is no longer there, and it explains a lot of other things as well.

If you want to debunk the Stuxnet hypothesis, you're going to have your work cut out for you. If Stuxnet was a duck, then everything about what happened at Fukushima would be quacking like one.


On 3/11/11, Reactors 1, 2, 3, and 4 were utterly destroyed, with 1, 3, and 4 suspiciously exploding.

Though Stone only got direct evidence of a nuke planted at Reactor 3, which produced the mushroom cloud, it is rational to believe Reactors 1 and 4 also had them, with 4 exploding even though it had no fuel core installed at the time.

The lesser magnitude of the explosions at Reactors 1 and 4 can be attributed to the fact that gun-type nukes are not consistent in their yield. Reactor 3's detonation might also have gotten a boost from the pressure released in a reactor pressure vessel breach -- a sensible conclusion in that the reactor is completely gone. Stuxnet appears to have affected all of the reactors' control systems, crippling generators and shutting valves. Problems at Reactor 2 appear to be Stuxnet-related only. All four were fatalities.

But of course, don't take my word for it. Go and study the report for yourself.





