

2/1/2012 -- Nuclear Officials in California -- quote 'RADIATION COULD HAVE ESCAPED'
2012年2月1日 - 加州核官員 - 援引'輻射可能已走脫'

Nuclear Plant Leak in Southern California

Inspectors find ‘unusual’ wear on new tubes carrying radioactive water at Calif. nuclear plant
By Associated Press,
Published: February 3
Translation by Autumnson Blog

LOS ANGELES — Unusual wear has been found on hundreds of tubes that carry radioactive water at Southern California’s San Onofre Unit 2 nuclear plant, raising questions about the integrity of equipment the company installed in a multimillion-dollar makeover in 2009.
洛杉磯 - 不尋常的磨損已被發現在數百管道上,在南加州的聖Onofre 核電廠2號機組載有放射性水,提出有關2009年在數百萬美元改造安裝設備的公司的誠信問題。
The disclosure came two days after a tube leak at the plant’s other unit prompted operators to shut down the reactor as a precaution. A tiny amount of radiation could have escaped, but officials say workers and the public were not endangered.
The problems at Unit 2 were discovered during inspections of a steam generator, after the plant 45 miles north of San Diego was taken off-line for maintenance and refueling. The two huge steam generators at Unit 2, each containing 9,700 tubes, were replaced in fall 2009, and a year later in its twin plant, Unit 3, as part of a $670 million overhaul.
2號機組的問題被發現在蒸汽產生器的檢查過程中,在聖迭戈以北45英里的廠因為維修和加油被離線後。 2號機組的兩個巨大蒸汽產生器,每個包含9,700條管道,在2009年秋季被替換,及一年後在它的孿生兄弟廠3號機組,作為耗資670萬美元大修的一部分。
According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, more than a third of the wall had been worn away in two tubes at Unit 2, which will require them to be plugged and taken out of service. At least 20 percent of the tube wall was worn away in 69 other tubes, and in more than 800, the thinning was at least 10 percent.
根據核管理委員會,在2號機組的兩條管道,超過三分之一的管壁已被磨掉,這將需要它們被堵塞和暫停服務。 其它69條管道的管壁至少有20%被磨掉,並在再多800條中,薄化至少有10%。
“The amount of wear that we are seeing on these tubes is unusual for a new steam generator,” NRC spokesman Victor Dricks said. “If you have that kind of thinning anywhere along the length of the tube, you have a problem because it degrades the integrity of the tube, which can contribute to leaks.”

Plant operator Southern California Edison did not dispute the figures released by the NRC, but cautioned that testing on the tubes is preliminary. Spokesman Gil Alexander called the tests “an initial snapshot” and said more sophisticated tests will take place.

He did not know if the testing would delay the reactor’s planned two-month shutdown.

“It’s not unprecedented in the industry for there to be accelerated wear in small sections of tubes in early years of usage,” he said.

According to company officials, the new steam generators were manufactured by Japan-based Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The company did not respond to an email sent Wednesday. Alexander said Mitsubishi officials are assisting with the tube analysis at the plant.

Retired NRC engineer and researcher Joram Hopenfeld said the company will have to determine why the tubing is degrading so quickly “before they do anything else.”

“I’ve never heard of anything like that over so short a period of time,” Hopenfeld said.

“The safety implications could be very, very severe,” Hopenfeld added. “Usually the concern is in older steam generators, when they have cracks all over the place.”

According to the regulatory commission, the tubes have an important safety role because they represent one of the primary barriers with the radioactive side of the plant. If a tube breaks, there is the potential that radioactivity from the system that pumps water through the reactor could escape into the atmosphere.

Hot, pressurized water flowing through the tubes, each about 0.75 inch in diameter, is used to heat water outside the tubes, which is not radioactive. The resulting steam is used to turn turbines to make electricity.

The water leak Tuesday at the Unit 3 reactor was initially estimated at a rate of 85 gallons a day — an amount about half of what would require the plant to shut down. The company said the rate of the leak was “much less,” but did not provide a figure.

It’s not clear what caused that tube to fail, or whether the company was facing an isolated break in a single alloy tube or a manufacturing defect that might be at issue elsewhere in the massive plant tube system.

Radioactive gas that leaked from that tube was vented into a building that contains auxiliary equipment, according to the NRC. The radiation was detected by monitors in that building, which is separate from the sealed structure that houses the reactor.

Because the auxiliary building is not sealed — people come and go through doors — it’s possible radiation escaped into the atmosphere.

The company said there was no indication the heavy tubing wear is related to terrorism.

The plant is owned by Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric and the City of Riverside. Southern California Edison serves nearly 14 million residents with electricity in Central and Southern California.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


加州核電廠蒸氣外洩 關機組修理
2012年02月02日 03:55

 (加州聖歐諾佛一日電)加州聖歐諾佛(San Onofre)工作人員周三晚忙着修理蒸氣發電機疑似外洩蒸氣的管線。核電廠表示,蒸氣外洩不會對民衆造成危險。

  南加州愛迪生電力公司(Southern California Edison)核電廠工作人員將偵測到外洩的發電機組冷卻,降低發電廠壓力,停止管線外洩。



  「當時沒有發生,現在也不會對民衆或發電廠員工造成任何危險,」南加州愛迪生電力廠資深副總裁迪亞特瑞(Pete Dietrich)表示。「我們的人員確實遵照平日訓練執行立即行動,確保發生的情況不對民衆安全與健康造成危險。」


