

Record Breaking Snow in Canada?
Thursday, February 2nd, 2012
Marmot Basin This Week

Snowfall and snow levels are reaching record levels in Alberta and British Columbia in Western Canada.
While many other parts of North America are still struggling to fully open all their lifts and runs for winter2011-12 during an uusually dry winter, the West of Canada has been deluged fairly consistently since last autumn.
雖然北美的許多其它地區,在乾燥的冬季中仍在苦苦地全面開放升降機和追逐2011- 12年的冬天,但加拿大西部自去年秋天以來已相當一致地被淹沒。
“This month goes down as one of the snowiest January’s on record. There is unbelievable snow conditions at both Fernie and Kicking Horse with total snowfall at both over 19 feet now. Today alone, Fernie has seen over a foot overnight!!” said an excited Matt Mosteller of Resorts of the Canadian Rockies which runs the two centres.
“這一個月下來為1月記錄最多雪之一,在弗尼和踢馬有令人難以置信的雪情,兩地總降雪量現在都超過 19英尺。單獨今天,弗尼一宵之間看到超過一英尺!!“經營兩個中心的加拿大落基山脈度假村的馬特 Mosteller興奮地說。
Meanwhile a little to the east and north, over the border in Alberta, with over three months left to go in the ski season, Marmot Basin near Jasper has already received over 12 feet (372 cm) of snowfall which is 93% of its annual average.
If the next three months produce even typical amounts of snowfall, Marmot Basin will exceed its all time snowfall record of 529 cm set way back in 1965.
Regardless of the numbers, skiers and snowboarders have been absolutely thrilled with snow conditions at Marmot Basin and, to some, it has come as a bit of a surprise, says the resort’s Brian Rode.

“There is very little snow on the ground in Edmonton and when some people get to the mountain they are really surprised at how much snow we have. Marmot’s base elevation is very high so the rain that has fallen at lower elevations this winter has been all snow at Marmot,” added Rode.


