

Is Spain the next Greece?

Students and teachers in Spain have packed the streets of Valencia, angry at cuts to the education system by their government. They are also angry about harsh and brutal tactics used by police there at previous rallies when dozens were beaten and arrested. Spain is facing an out-of-control deficit and despite many across-the-board cuts, it slated for many more - in the realm of 40 billion Euros or 53 billion dollars.
西班牙的學生和教師已充斥華倫西亞街道,對他們政府削減教育系統生氣,他們亦生氣警方在過去集會時使用苛刻和殘酷的戰術,有數十人被毆打和拘捕。西班牙正面對著赤字失控,及儘管許多跨委員會的削減,它預定有更多 - 在40億歐元或53億美元的範圍中。

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