


Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati
February 12, 2012
by St. John Bartholomew

The Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in the NWO if they believed they were in control.
Left, David Rockefeller and Zhou Enlai and chamber pot in 1973.

Beijing -The Chinese elite is a merger between the Communist leadership, Hong Kong tycoons, and the criminal Triads. All three factions derive their power from Illuminati collaboration.
北京 -中國人精英是一個在共產黨的領導層、香港富豪及罪犯黑社會之間的合併,所有這三個派系從光明會的勾結取得他們的權力。
China has appeared autonomous because the Illuminati developed the country internally, funding 'revolutionary' political parties spouting nationalist slogans. The reasoning was that the Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in the NWO if they believed they were in control.
Lord Bertrand Russell revealed this plan in a report on China published in 1920:
'Out of the renaissance spirit now existing in China, it is possible, if foreign nations can be prevented from wreaking havoc, to develop a new civilization better than any that the world has yet known.'
The fascist superpower we know today was created in the second half of the 20th century by the bogus Cold War dialectic of communism vs. capitalism.
The stage was set in 1898 when Britain and China signed a contract stipulating that Hong Kong would be handed back to the Chinese in 1997. This meant that the fierce Communism of the mainland and laissez faire capitalism of Hong Kong were always destined to merge.
The process of unification gave rise to the current China power elite. What follows is background of the three main factions.


Because Communism is an Illuminati creation, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are by definition, Illuminati agents.
Mao was a Soviet agent. (Mao-The Untold Story, Chang & Halliday, p.49.)
毛澤東是一位蘇聯間諜。 (毛澤東 - 不為人知的故事第49頁,Chang 和Halliday)
He was a product of the Yale in China "Missionary" i.e. OSS, Skull & Bones program.
他是中國“使者”耶魯大學的產品,即是OSS - 骷髏會項目 。
The CCP implemented policies that set the foundations for an Illuminati super state. They unified the country, attacked traditional Chinese culture, instigated industrialization programs and created a common language.
Wang Hao, a historian at the China Institute of International Studies, has recorded that Mao's deputy Zhou Enlai met David Rockefeller in June 1973:
'When meeting David Rockefeller, Zhou said to him that it was necessary to find appropriate methods conducive to the development of the trade between two sides under different political systems.'
The corporate-communist merger began when Deng Xiaoping came to power in the late 1970s and introduced his market reforms with the slogan "to get rich is glorious."
However, after 30 years of Maoism his regime was hopelessly ill equipped to run a market economy. They turned to the wealthiest Chinese tycoons in Hong Kong for guidance.


The most powerful HK tycoon is Li Ka-Shing, the richest Asian in the world and an Illuminati insider.
Other prominent tycoons are 'HK's godfather of real estate' Henry Fok, 'The king of gambling' Stanley Ho and the man who would be chosen by Beijing to head Hong Kong after the departure of the British, Tung Chee-Wa.
It is important to realize that these men rose to power and prestige in a British colony, i.e. they were vetted by the City of London to be colonial leaders. This is illustrated by the rise of Li Ka Shing.
As HK developed, Li emerged as the most brilliant Chinese entrepreneur. The 'Brotherhood bankers' of Hong Kong became aware of his mercantile genius and brought him into the fold.
當香港發展,李出現為最輝煌的中國企業家。 香港的'銀行家兄弟會'漸覺察到他的商業天才,及帶他進入羊圈。
In 1979 Li took control of Hutchinson Whampoa, one of the old British companies that had long dominated Hong Kong's economy. Companies of such political importance are not given away casually. In 2000, the Queen awarded Li the title of 'Knight (Commander of the Order) of the British Empire.'
In the early eighties, the tycoons and the communists had a series of meetings in Beijing. They struck a deal whereby the tycoons advised and educated the Chinese authorities about markets and in return Beijing gave them privileged access to their vast economic basin. In 1984 the two groups founded CITIC, the organization that managed China's transition to market economy.


The Triads is a collective term for the secret societies and criminal groups that originated in 18th century China with the aim to bring down the Qing dynasty.

For over a century the Illuminati waged war against the Qing dynasty. The Triads were their vehicle for subversion and revolution, in a similar fashion to Freemasonry in Western revolutions.

For instance, during the opium wars, the Triads helped bring the drug into China. The revolutionary Nationalist Government that toppled the Qing dynasty in 1912 was a coalition of triad groups. Sun Yat-sen, the man who led the nationalist coalition that toppled the Qing in 1912, was a Triad member and was trained and armed in British Hong Kong. Chiang Kai-shek was also a Triad member.

When the Communists achieved dominance in 1949 they kicked the Triads out of the country. They fled mainly to Hong Kong and Taiwan to re-build. Chiang Kai-shek continued to publicly receive US funding.

Today the Triads are best known as the world's largest criminal entity, involved in drug trafficking, prostitution, money laundering etc. They exist in any country with a large Chinese population, notably in Canada, Britain, USA and Australia.

Former Canadian diplomat Brian McAdam said: "Within each Chinese community, there's usually a strong Triad presence controlling and extorting money from the businesses, and if there's drugs, they're bringing them in."

Of the Triads enormous global reach Fritz Springmeier has written:

'The Triads are the most powerful criminal fraternal group in the world, except for the Illuminati and the families that make up the Illuminati's Committee of 300. The Mafia Is small peanuts compared to the Triads. The Triads are almost untouchable by any law enforcement group. For instance, in Great Britain the British do not have hardly any ethnic Chinese on their police force to even try infiltrating the Triads.'

A key source of this power is that they partner the Far East Lodges of Freemasonry in running the Asian drugs trade, notably the production of heroin in the 'golden triangle' in South East Asia, second only to Afghanistan. Drug trafficking is very important to the Illuminati because it funds black budget programs.

The most powerful Triads in Hong Kong have their own territories, headquarters, sub-societies and public fronts. They are allied with the tycoons. The tycoon's own Hong Kong and the triads run it. A few of these are Sun Yee On, Wo Hop To and 14K. To insure a smooth handover of Hong Kong in 1997, the communist leadership needed these groups onside.

In the early 80s, the Chinese government convened a secret meeting between the 'Dragon Heads' of the major Triad groups operational in Hong Kong. The communists informed the dragons that if they agreed not to interfere with the takeover transition, they would be allowed to continue their criminal activities without interference.

Following these successful negotiations, Deng Xiaoping spoke of the triads as Chinese "patriotic groups" and the Hong Kong press published a photograph of Charles Heung, a senior officer of Sun Yee On, conversing with Deng's daughter.

In 1992, Western Intelligence Services became aware Wong Man Fong - formerly head of China's central news agency - was helping the triads to set up legitimate businesses in China, particularly in Guangzhou and Shanghai.


The mainstream media portrays China as hostile to Western power. However, by studying the triumvirate Chinese elite and their intimate ties to the Illuminati, it is clear that modern China is an Illuminati creation.

The Chinese elite must never stray from the NWO agenda, for it follows that if the Illuminati made them, they can break them too.



何新:恐怖驚讀倫敦共濟會秘密檔 思考第三次世界戰爭


