

Third Aircraft Carrier Group Coming To Iran
Submitted by Tyler Durden
on 01/30/2012 08:25 -0500
Translation by Autumnson Blog

For months now we have been following US naval developments and deployments in the Arabian Sea, which serve one purpose and one purpose only - to demonstrate US military strength in the Straits of Hormuz region and to keep Iranian 'offensive passions' subdued. Yet never has the US had a total of three aircraft carrier groups in the vicinity, always topping out at 2 in the Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet, most recently these being the CVN-70 Vinson and CVN 72 Lincoln, with a third boat present merely until a rotation in or out of the theater of operations was complete. That is about to change, and with it the prevailing price of Brent, which we are confident is about to take a new step wise price higher as the US makes it all too clear what the endgame is, because as Naval Today reports, the "US navy to deploy third carrier group to Persian Gulf", probably the CVN-77 George H.W. Bush which departed Norfolk two weeks ago according to the most recent naval update, or any other Norfolk-stationed aircraft carrier: there is a wide selection to chose from.
現在已幾個月,我們一直在跟進阿拉伯海的美國海軍發展和部署,那為一個目的和只是一個目的 - 在霍爾木茲海峽地區展示美國的軍事實力,及去保持伊朗的'進攻激情'被壓抑。然而從來未有試過,美國共有三個航空母艦戰鬥群在附近地區,經常巴林為基地的第五艦隊以雙出加蓋,最近的這些是CVN-70文森號和CVN-72林肯號,與第三艘船存在純是在戰區打轉出入直到完成。那是即將要發生變化的,及有它布倫特的流行價格,這我們有信心將要採取新的一步使價錢更高,因為美國做這一切太明顯結局遊戲是什麼。正如今日海軍的報導,“美海軍會部署第三個航空母艦戰鬥群往波斯灣“,可能地CVN-77喬治HW布殊兩星期前離開諾福克,根據最新的海軍更新,或任何其它駐諾福克的航母:有一個廣闊的選擇來作選擇。

From Naval Today:

US Navy to Deploy Third Carrier Group to Persian Gulf

The carrier group based in Norfolk, VA will also include a guided missile cruiser and three guided missile destroyers, reports Interfax.

USS Abraham Lincoln had already entered the Persian Gulf via the Strait of Hormuz on Jan 22. She is escorted by a guided missile cruiser and two destroyers (USN), one British and one French warships.

Meanwhile, another US Navy’s carrier strike carrier group headed by USS Carl Vinson is stationed eastward the Strait of Hormuz, in northern part of the Arabian Sea washing southwest coast of Iran.

At present, the US has 15,000-men force deployed in Kuwait, expeditionary marine battalion, and amphibious landing group.


Destination Persian Gulf? US nuclear sub and destroyer enter Red Sea
Published: 31 January, 2012, 02:06
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Greece: The Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Annapolis is escorted by a US Naval Support Activity harbor security boat as she departs Souda harbor in Souda Bay, Greece on March 30, 2010. (AFP Photo / Paul Farley)
希臘:洛杉磯級攻擊潛艇 USS安納波利斯,由美國海軍支援活動的海港安全船護送,於2010年3月30日離開希臘的蘇達灣蘇達港。 (法新社照片/保羅法利)

Two ships of the US Navy, the nuclear submarine USS Annapolis and the destroyer USS Momsen have passed through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea. Although their destination is confidential, they are now getting dangerously close to the Persian Gulf.
兩艘美國海軍船隻,核潛艇安納波利斯號和驅逐艦 USS Momsen已通過蘇伊士運河進入紅海。雖然他們的目的地是保密的,她們現正危險地靠近波斯灣。
­The ships’ passage was a major operation for the Suez administration as due to safety reasons they had to close off the canal to all other traffic and even shut down the bridge, disrupting the link between the banks for some four hours. The traffic on the roadways alongside the canal was also restricted, Interfax news agency reports.

There are no reports regarding the destination of the vessels, but the news come amid the ongoing crisis in the relationship between the US and Iran. There is mounting speculation that the Annapolis and the Momsen are heading to the Persian Gulf to reinforce the US naval forces already present in the region.

Currently the US has two aircraft carrier groups in the region headed by USS Abraham Lincoln and USS Carl Vinson. It is expected that another aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise, will join the strike force in March.
Since the EU placed a new round of sanctions on Iran by putting an embargo on Iranian oil, Iran is once again threatening to use military force to close the Strait of Hormuz.

Meanwhile, a Kuwaiti maritime official said on Monday that the Gulf Cooperation Council group of Arab countries have contingency plans for coastguards and naval forces should there be an attempt by Iran to shut down the Strait of Hormuz.

­‘US imperial agenda is now concentrating on Iran’
­Tehran has offered IAEA officials the chance to extend their mission and says it is ready to prove its atomic ambitions are peaceful. But Ralph Sсhoenman, the host of radio program ‘Taking Aim,’ told RT that IAEA’s quest in Iran is hopeless.

“I say hopeless because the United States and the European capitalist spouse will always up the ante,” Sсhoenman explained. “You can be absolutely sure that the reports back from one or more of these inspectors functioning as intelligence operatives will say: ‘Well, there is evidence that they may be doing this and they may be doing that.’”
Sсhoenman believes that the US “imperial agenda, which makes countries their targets in sequence, is now concentrating on Iran.”

“The very idea that Iran is somehow obliged to open its frontiers to inspectors who are essentially penetrated and permeated by the Central Intelligence Agency and Mossad expresses what I am attempting to say to you,” he explained. “This is outrageous, this has no legitimacy and it should be repudiated and exposed for what it is.”

­Journalist and author Afshin Rattansi says that there are no reasons why Iran would need another visit from such a biased organization as the IAEA.
“There are cameras, surveillance equipment over all the different sites,” he said. “The IAEA inspection regime, I think most analysts would say, is a front for a WMD [weapons of mass destruction] inspection that we have seen previously in that region.”


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