
漩渦 - 海底風暴越來越巨大!

Whirlpool -undersea storms getting huge!
漩渦 - 海底風暴越來越巨大!

Satellite captures enormous 90-mile-wide storm that's UNDERWATER
By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 2:38 PM on 21st February 2012
A Nasa satellite has provided jaw-dropping pictures of a huge 'storm' brewing under the sea.

The swirling mass of water - which measures a whopping 93 miles wide - has been spotted off the coast of South Africa by the Terra satellite on December 26.

But there's no need to alert international shipping, or worry about the poor fish that might find themselves in an endless washing cycle - the body of water poses no threat.
Stunning image: The 90-mile-wide whirlpool, spotted off the coast of South Africa by Nasa's Terra satellite, looks deadly but it more likely to create life by lifting nutrients from the ocean floor

Indeed, it is more likely to create life by sucking nutrients from the bed and bringing them to the surface.

The sea storms - which are better known as eddies - form bizarre whirl shaped shapes deep beneath the ocean's surface.

This counter-clockwise eddy is thought to have peeled off from the Agulhas Current, which flows along the southeastern coast of Africa and around the tip of South Africa.

Closer look: A detail from the Terra photo shows the eddy is turning counter-clockwise - with the water surrounding it becoming a deeper blue the further it is from the centre
更近細看:來自Terra照片的細節顯示漩渦逆時針轉動 - 在它周邊的水距離中心越遠越變得更深藍

Agulhas eddies - also called 'current rings' - tend to be among the largest in the world, transporting warm, salty water from the Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic.

Agulhas eddies can remove juvenile fish from the continental shelf, reducing catch sizes if one passes through a fishing region.
The bizarre phenomenon was spotted when the Terra satellite was conducting a routine natural-colour image of the Earth.



據“每日郵報”今天報導,美國宇航局衛星– Terra(EOS的AM-1)於2011年12月26日,記錄到南非海岸附近的巨型漩渦(照片見這篇文章的頂部)。漩渦的寬度為170公里,它位於水面以下幾百米。據科學家介紹,這種漩渦出現自從印度洋到大西洋的水流,也許這可能導致2012年初南美和南非的氣候變化,以及該地區的大量海豚死亡,科學家無法解釋自印度洋到大西洋南部的水流為什麼導致了這個漩渦。這股水流在2011年底出現在非洲海岸附近,有可能導致南大西洋地區氣候變化,以及在2012年2月非洲和南美洲國家出現的嚴重干旱,前幾天阿根廷農業部的報告說,只有1%的早期大豆作物條件優秀,以及48%的條件良好。幾天前,聯合國警告非洲出現糧食危機。乾旱可能導致2012年糧食短缺和世界各地的食品價格上漲。

