

Hawking Is Spreading Disinformation Says Former Canadian Minister Of Defense
5 March, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog

MSNBC News UFO Former Minister of Defence and Deputy P M of Canada
MSNBC UFO 新聞 加拿大前國防部長和副總理

Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense fears an intergalactic war.
MessageToEagle.com - Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense is an outspoken man who has no doubts UFOs are real alien spaceship.
MessageToEagle.com - 前加拿大國防部部長保羅·赫利爾是一位心直口快的人,他沒懷疑不明飛行物是真的外星人飛船。
Over the years he has made a number of public interviews and expressed his concern about a future intergalactic war.
Hellyer has also shown his disappointment in Stephen Hawking who according to Hellyer is spreading disinformation about extraterrestrial life.
In an interview on MSNBC, Paul Hellyer stated the U.S. Government has been hiding evidence of extraterrestrials for a very long time. He also said that we might be on the verge of an intergalactic war.
Hellyer fears that if the U.S. military builds a base on the Moon, they will be able to better observe alien spaceships and shoot at them whenever they decide.
Hellyer also points out that there is no evidence to assume that aliens are hostile.
Although UFOs have on some occasions disabled missiles, this has been done in self-defense.
Therefore, it is essential to determine whether aliens are hostile or not.
"There is no evidence that I have seen that has convinced me that they are in fact enemy," says Hellyer.
"What I would like to know is whether this classification of alien enemy still exists or it doesn't and if it exists what the evidence is on which the United States government bases its conclusion," continues Hellyer.

According to Hellyer, this had led to the development of "laser and particle guns to the point that they can be used against the visitors from space." It is this targeting of visiting extraterrestrials that concerns Hellyer, and he asks "is it wise to spend so much time and money to build weapon systems to rid the skies of alien visitors?"
Hellyer raises the key policy question: "Are they really enemies or merely legitimate explorers from afar?"
Hellyer's question raises profound importance in understanding the relationship between visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and world peace.
If we undertake actions against these alien beings that already possess superior technology, we could start an intergalactic war that might at the end lead to our own destruction.

As far as Hellyer is concerned there is no doubt whether UFOs are real or not.

"Unidentified Flying Objects are a s real as the airplanes flying above your head," says Heller.

According to Hellyer, evidence concerning UFOs is the "greatest and most successful cover up in the history of the world". He also states that senior political officials even at the rank of Minister of Defense, a position he himself occupied, are simply out of the loop when it comes to information concerning UFOs and visiting extraterrestrials.

"The reality is that they've (aliens) been visiting Earth for decades and probably millennia and have contributed considerably to our knowledge," Hellyer said.

He says earthlings owe a lot to their alien friends. Even that computer screen on your desk, he says, can trace its origins to spaceships.

"Microchips, for example, fiber-optics, they are just two of the many things that allegedly - and probably for real - came from crashed vehicles," Hellyer says.
Paul Helleyer (left) accuses Stephen Hawking (right) of spreading disinformation.

Hellyer also accuses Stephen Hawking of spreading misinformation about extraterrestrials. Hawking has on several occasions said that most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, or small animals. Hawking also that advanced life forms may be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonize" new planets. Hawking has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist, but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.

The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the world's leading scientists. Hawking recently warned that malevolent aliens could lead to the destruction of humanity.

"I think he's indulging in some pretty scary talk there that I would have hoped would not come from someone with such an established stature," Hellyer said in an interview.

"I think it's really sad that a scientist of his repute would contribute to what I would consider more misinformation about a vast and very important subject," responded Hellyer.

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