
新世界秩序:狂人的藍圖 (長片)

以利秋的葡萄園 Autumnson's Vineyard

New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (Full Length HD)

Alex Jones' latest documentary shatters the hoax of the terrorism, revealing instead that government is history's greatest killer. Now a 21st century technocratic global corporate tyranny seeks to kill billions with the superweapons it has created under a police state control grid and through the central banking warfare model it brought to life. This documentary is another powerful tool in exposing the false threats used by the elite to control us-- powerful because it casts an even greater light on their own dangerous megalomaniacal quest for total power.
亞歷克斯·瓊斯的最新記錄片粉碎了恐怖主義的騙局,代之揭示政府是史上最大的殺手。現在有一個21世紀技術官僚的全球性企業暴政,尋求以它已創造的超級武器來殺害數十億人,在一個警權國度控制網格之下並通過它帶出生命的中央銀行戰爭模型。這部紀錄片是另一件強大工具,用來曝露精英使用來控制我們的虛假威脅 - 強大是因為它投射更大的光在他們自己對完全權力的危險狂妄自大追求之上。

