

Hollow Earth, Sinkhole, or Impact Crater? Mirrored
...filtered by wikileaks video shot from a plane where you can see a large hole in the ground never before filmed, you can see a bright light from within.
The video was leaked by a series of documents that talked about the material of personnel authorized to fly over the area where only a few can pass and are under oath not to talk about what is in these places. The video was recorded as unauthorized disclosure.
Some say it is proof of the polar openings to the center of the Earth (and who argue that near the opening there is no ice in many other parts of Antarctica and a small town or military base near to guard the entry of unauthorized personnel). others say it is the mark of a new meteorite impact, malformation, a good trick computer, a giant crater.
ah also discussed the possibility that it is a mine as there are large mines with this aspect on the list of world's greatest holes. The difference is that this mine would not be documented...

