

Warning to West Coast Middle Class People: LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!!!
July 25th, 2018
法比安社會主義(費邊社會主義)的信念,是由資本主義漸進式過渡到社會主義。美國西岸現在全面展示,對待無家可歸者方面現在餵食,送衣服和庇護這些不幸人仕都是違法的; 在加州許多城市現在居住在車內是違法的。 美國上升最快的無家可歸者群體是在西岸的中產階級! 這是可恥的,而美國應該感到羞恥。 你在這張照片中看到的內容,在奧蘭治縣已是足以定為刑事犯罪。 對某些人來說,這將是一次死刑。 加州的中產階級,如果你想生存的話,立即準備離開你的州。 加州的殘酷勢力已蔓延到西岸的其它地方。 以下是這悲慘故事的其餘部分。
If you want to know what the term Fabian Socialism means, it is on full display with treatment of the homeless where it is now illegal to feed, clothe and shelter these unfortunate people. It Is now illegal to live in your car in many California municipalities. the fastest rising group of homeless in America is the middle class on the West coast! This is disgraceful and America should be ashamed. Orange County has seen fit to criminalize what you see in this picture. For some this will be a death sentence. Middle class people of California, prepare to leave your state, immediately, if you want to survive. The cruelty of California has spread to the rest of the West Coast. Here is the rest of this tragic story.

Warning to All West Coast Middle Class LEAVE IMMEDIATELY


