
推特行政總裁Jack Dorsey確認:社交媒體有“左傾的偏見”

推特行政總裁Jack Dorsey確認:社交媒體有“左傾的偏見”
Twitter CEO Confirms: Social Media Has A “Left-Leaning Bias”
August 20, 2018
In a not-so-shocking interview with CNN, Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that social media has a left-leaning bias. But Dorsey claims that Twitter doesn’t ban over ideology, it will ban or “shadowban” over a user’s “behavior.”

“The real question behind the question is, ‘Are we doing something according to political ideology or viewpoints?’ And we are not. Period. We do not look at content with regards to political viewpoint or ideology. We look at behavior,” Dorsey said according to The Washington Post. 

What makes that statement by Dorsey completely wrong (if not a bald-faced lie) and extremely disingenuous, is the fact that Twitter has “shadowbanned” many conservatives over ideology while ignoring the “bad behavior” of leftists, likely because they agree ideologically and politically. And they aren’t the only social media platform that’s taken this approach. Facebook has also suspended conservatives for posting the vile hate-filled messages they’ve received from leftists while allowing the left to continue to threaten and harass those who aren’t left-leaning.

“We need to constantly show that we are not adding our own bias, which I fully admit is more left-leaning,” Dorsey said. “And I think it’s important to articulate our own bias and to share it with people so that people understand us. But we need to remove our bias from how we act and our policies and our enforcement.” 

Dorsey’s comments come amid a growing debate over how tech companies influence public discourse by censorship and banning based on their own political bias. Apple, Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify have taken aggressive steps against right-leaning talk show host and Alex Jones for violating their “hate speech” policies. All Jones really is guilty of is stating an opinion that those in charge disagree with and offering a different view than the “official narrative” we are being brainwashed into accepting, even when there are red flags and many unanswered questions. Spotify, Facebook, and YouTube removed Jones from their platforms, and Apple followed suit by removing the majority of podcasts published by Jones’s website, Infowars, from iTunes and its podcast apps.

In an interview with The Washington Post last week, Dorsey said he is rethinking core parts of Twitter to curb the spread of hate speech, harassment, and false news (news he disagrees with). He also told The Post that he’s experimenting with new features that would allow people to see alternative viewpoints and reduce “echo chambers.”


