
更扁平的地球: 大型強子對撞機可能將我們的地球收縮至足球場般大小,根據宇宙學家Martin Rees

更扁平的地球: 大型強子對撞機可能將我們的地球收縮至足球場般大小,根據宇宙學家Martin Rees
Flatter Earth: The Large Hadron Collider Could Shrink Our Planet To The Size Of A Football Field According To Martin Rees

One of the most-hyped fears about the Large Hadron Collider before it was first turned on was the theory that it might inadvertently create a black hole that would engulf the Earth. Since then, no black holes have materialized, although one author really wishes they would (a small one, just to prove parallel universes exist). According to British cosmologist Martin Rees, however, black holes aren't the only thing we should be worried about when it comes to weird, potentially cataclysmic events triggered by the LHC...


1 則留言:

  1. https://pics.me.me/einstein-was-once-asked-how-it-felt-to-be-the-15034130.png

    black hole bullshit is from the garbage - relativity


    Cern is just a kind of weather weapon
    (not alien portal or black hole generator)

