
矚目的索羅斯特工 - 棕色襯衫經常是政變中的第一批傷亡者

矚目的索羅斯特工 - 棕色襯衫經常是政變中的第一批傷亡者
Attention Doomed George Soros Operatives-The Brown Shirts Are Always the First Casualties In a Coup

Maybe this picture located near baggage claim at Denver International Airport will make a little more sense after viewing the following video. }lease note the soldier leading people through a   tunnel. But unlike the picture, the people that are today escaping through tunnels are ex-DHS and FEMA personnel. Why? Because they know that dead men tell no tales. Many of these people know that trouble is coming. They also know that they are witnesses to crimes against humanity and if the coming purge/coup is not successful, they will be killed to cover up the crimes of the elite that they helped cover up. For for the past 6 years many of these people are escaping to to survivalist communities for if they do not escape they will be be murdered like all “brown shirts” in history for what they know. People who follow George Soros will be killed just like all other brown shirts.  Here is the story.



