
十災: 我們的靈性狀態反映在癤災中

十災: 我們的靈性狀態反映在癤災中
Ten Plagues: Our Spiritual Condition is Reflected in the Plague of Boils

Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out on the earth the seven bowls of God’s wrath.” So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on earth, and loathsome, malignant sores broke out on those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.  And the second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it turned to blood like that of the dead, and every living thing in the sea died.…

The plague came without warning, and for those with discernment, it was a foreboding of doom.  At the command of the Lord a veil of fine particulates, a sooty ash, was flung heavenward in the presence of Pharaoh. It shall become a dust upon man and beast. Some translations expand on the sooty ash to include cinders, embers, or the white ash that forms on embers.  Another view is that God turned it into fiery dust and spread it throughout Egypt.

Whatever this sooty-ash was we know that it is an irritant:

An irritant is defined as a substance that causes pain, inflammation, itching, or discomfort. It is a thing that is annoying or distracting, and that causes trouble.

Let Moshe throw it… a light substance such as soot cannot normally be casit very high, towards heaven indicating it not only was in the lower atmosphere but also higher up in the firmament.  It is a miracle was that such a small amount of soot would suffice to become dust over the entire land.


In the view of some the soot was burning hot ash such as one might encounter from a pyroclastic flow after a volcano erupts.

It is not detailed I Scripture but would make sense that as the wind carried the soot-ash, it went into homes.  There was no escape from it.

This is the first instance of soot in the bible.  Soot can provide some interesting clues on the judgments of God.  Most of us think of ashes or soot as being black, and indeed we get that impression, from the Arabic word for soot.  As we have seen, soot can also be white.  I burn wood to heat my home and on my Cinderella days (cleaning the ash box) it is filled with a combination of black and white ashes giving an overall appearance of gray.  When I see this, I think of the dual nature of Satan.  He portrays himself as an angel of light but his rebellion against God is as darker than the Abyss.

Soot is a substance formed by an incomplete combustion, or disengaged from fuel in the process of combustion, which results in fine particles.  This fine powder, consists mainly chiefly of carbon.

What was the Origin of the Sooty Ash?

Given that this soot-ash was an incomplete combustion I have to wonder if one of the earlier plagues at the judgment of God included the first wave of galactic or inter-planetary event or merely the ashes of the Egyptians mundane everyday life.

Did our sun super nova?

Did was pass through a cloud of intergalactic dust?

Were these ashes just left over from the every day process of baking bread?

We know that earth endured an incinerator event aside from the fireball event that supposedly killed the dinosaurs.  Did this event either cause super wildfires or instantaneously incinerate all life forms causing this carbon sooty layer in Egypt and around the world?

Is it possible that this ash contained the elemental remains of the nephilim that is dangerous to breathe?

Given that we know it was used in a supernatural way what else can sooty ash tell us?

There is another gruesome possibility.  British theologian E.W. Bullinger compiled the Companion Bible that includes the notations of the Hebrew scribes called the Mesorah.  The accuracy of these scribal notes is one reason the Hebrew Torah has maintained its accuracy through the centuries.  Bullinger's Bible notation is that these ashes from the furnace were from the altars on which human sacrifice were sometimes offered to appease their serpentine god Typhon (Evil Principle) also known as Set a god of chaos, the desert, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient religion.  Sacrifices were no doubt being offered to avert the plagues but the ash produced another plague instead of averting it.
In the previous plagues we have seen Scripture allude to drought-like conditions, as a result of climatic changes.  Many times during drought, the fall of the dew is accompanied by a sort of dust, and it is furthermore written:

The Eternal will make the rain of thy land powder and dust.  Deuteronomy 28:24

Its onset, too, came from something negligible—a handful of soot from the kiln—but its affliction of the human body was greater than that of more impressive plagues.

Your Amazing Skin!

Your skin is amazing!  As a health advocate I am in awe of the marvelous barrier of our skin.  It is associated with subtle energies, electrical charges, auras, energy meridians and points, and other features.

The nervous system and the skin remain intimately entwined throughout life.  As we look at the historical accounts of the sooty-ash let us keep in our minds the impact of SMART dust and nanoparticle's in the future of our physical and spiritual health.

Hewlett-Packard (HP) founded the Central Nervous System of the Earth (CeNSE) in 2010, which aims to launch billions of nanoscale sensors around to world to observe and gather data on the physical environment.

More and more talks of incorporating the technology with medical practices are popping up. We find an integration of Smart Dust in human augmentation and brain-computer interface

Spiritual Aspects of Skin Disorders
The skin is a great projection screen onto which physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the person are constantly made visible. As with other challenging physical conditions, visible skin disorders can have significant psychological and social effects.

Inflammatory skin disorders such as acne and skin eruptions may point to a variety of spiritual concerns. Physically deforming conditions can raise existential issues and provoke searches for meaning in the afflicted.

Past traumatic experiences involve a memory that links to the skin.

Persons with these conditions were considered ritually impure, with the presumption that their skin disorder was associated with transgression or immorality.

Boil Basics

I will go into the Plague of Boils later, but for know a cursory look at boils is in order.

A boil is a pus-filled area of skin usually located from infected hair follicles.  A more severe form of boil is a carbuncle.

The usual cause of a boil is from a bacterium, most commonly Staphylococcus Aureus which today is antibiotic resistant.

A boil starts as a red and painful limp.  As it swells and it fills with pus it becomes rounded and forms a yellowish head.  Boils can be reoccurring.

When one has boils it is critical that a person not burst for the boil for it will spread.  Hot compresses aid to relieve discomfort, hastening drainage and healing.

At times boils must be surgically lanced and drained for healing to take place.

Some Hebrew translations believe that the boils are better translated as

Supernatural Plague of Boils

This particular plague began with Moses taking a handful of sooty ash and casting it heavenward.  This settled over the land of Egypt much like Geo-engineering has blanketed our earth with SMART dust and nanoparticles among other things.

It is very possible that these boils began from the irritation caused by the sooty-ash although we cannot discount a supernatural element as it was cast heavenward.

Blains or boils in Holy Scripture comes from the root word to boil and the fire causeth the waters to boil…Isaiah  64:1. In the Hebrew the word is doubled.

As the whole atmosphere over Egypt is saturated with sooty-ash a foundation is laid that from this plague foreword, the plagues are of compounded or complex nature, involving several miracles within each plague.

And the lord appointed a time.  Once again we see that God Almighty has set a fixed time for the sign to begin and so we shall see this pattern repeated in Revelation.

Jewish Legends add to our understanding about the Plague of Boils:

Upon man and upon beast it began as a dry rash. This dryness withered both man and beast.  This sooty-ash had desiccant properties that we see in today's geo-engineering and will increasingly experience with increased volcanic activity.  The boils then metamorphosed into a rash of wet boils of boils.  Some accounts say that the boils were an agonizing hybrid of boil that was moist on the outside and dry on the inside.    Exodus 9:9 conveys to us several insights such as the boils in their formative stage there first was a dry inner flowering and over that formed the outer layer of boils while some adhere to a reverse order of boils on the outside and a dry rash on the inside.  Either way this was clearly a tortuous affliction.

This plague does not highlight distinction any place which gives one pause to contemplate that among the Egyptians had they crossed the humanity line?  Had they abandoned their Divine Image in which they had been created thereby losing their human distinction and becoming beast like?  If this is the case was this due to their dabbling in the Black Arts and forbidden knowledge?  Or possibly was due to the dark practices of mixing forbidden species as seen in the Days of Noah?  As we see in the biblical narrative, it could also be, that the Egyptians embraced the hard heart attitude of Pharaoh.

The Egyptians could not cure themselves of the boils therefore the god Imhotep-the god of medicine, was rendered a fraud!

Were the Magicians of Egypt Redeemable? 


