
ORDO AB CHAO 紐西蘭槍擊影片的問題: 專家分析騙局/嫁禍


ORDO AB CHAO紐西蘭槍擊影片的問題: 專家分析騙局/嫁禍


The word on the street from those who have viewed it is that the New Zealand shooting is an entirely fake false flag event and this is why people are prohibited from watching it.

Zero Hedge reports that the New Zealand authorities issued a chilling warning to its citizens that they face “Up to 10 years in prison for ‘knowingly’ possessing a copy of the New Zealand mosque shooting video – and up to 14 years in prison for sharing it. Corporations (such as web hosts) face an additional $200,000 ($137,000 US) fine under the same law.”

Finding any video on YouTube that advances this perspective was nearly impossible. It could almost be said that this event was a test of the ability of the globalist police state and its attendant tech giants to control the spread of dissenting views with search algorithms.

Former Army Psychological Operations Officer and State Department Counterterrorism contractor, Scott Bennett has thoroughly examined the 17 minute video of the shooter frame-by-frame, and after applying deductive reasoning in the forensic analysis, he is convinced the New Zealand mosque shooting was a false flag event due to the following:

No evidence of bullets impacting surfaces, no blood splatter, “Which means either blanks or paint or gas or other non-solid projectiles were fired from the guns. This means, essentially, nothing solid impacted the victims bodies, therefore no physical damage resulted, which means no living person was lethally wounded or killed by an outside force.”
  1. The victims’ physical reactions to being shot are not realistic. People being shot at close range react with animalistic panic, whereas the shooting victims in the video “fold up and fall to the ground like a sack of sand, and lie motionless.”
  2. “…as the shooter is driving down the street, several times he presses his shotgun muzzle against the windshield of his car and fires, but the windshield is not damaged or broken or penetrated by any bullet. Instead a smoky cloud bursts against the window and temporarily fills the cab of the car.”
  3. The music appears to be scripted and deliberate and “resembles some kind of hokey Pulp Fiction type soundtrack, as the perpetrator comments on the shooting thrills and challenges to his [livestream] audience.”
  4. The shooter’s manifesto appears to have been written by a leftist “inarticulately trying to channel or inhabit the language and ideas of conservatives, albeit deceptively.”

Bennett, who worked in advertising prior to working in Psychological Operations has applied “the standard metrics of an advertising campaign to the New Zealand shooting to determine the ultimate goal of the campaign.” It’s his opinion that the event was staged to “Brand Right-Wing, Conservative Republican Christians as violent extremists threatening civilized society.”

An end goal would be to cause the DOJ and all law enforcement agencies “to elevate white, Right-Wing, Conservative Republican Christians to top of list of domestic threats and terrorist list, and…expanded budgets, more powers, less limitations, and more license to control and abuse the civilian population.

Bennett then goes into a phenomenal rant: “The two years of needless agony the American people were put through during the Watergate hearings are nothing compared to what the media and democrats have intentionally put the American people through in their accusations of treasonous corruption and indeed spying they have made against President Trump…

“It is important to understand that this act by the media and democrats was more than acrimonious or even deceptive political debate. It was an act of the most grotesque and violent selfishness and hysterical arrogance and blind self-righteousness manipulation ever to transpire in American politics…It is an attempt to overthrow the Republic and replace it with a police state Socialist Democracy, with the ‘enlightened’ political-academic-media elite at the top, the thuggish police-military industrial complex in the middle, and everyone else on the bottom.”


