

‘Unprecedented’ US-Israeli-Russian Security Meeting to be Held in Jerusalem

May 30, 2019

Jerusalem will host top security officials from the United States, Israel and Russia in June to discuss “regional security issues,” according to a White House announcement on Wednesday.”

“In June, United States National Security Advisor Ambassador John Bolton, Israeli National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat and Russian Secretary of the Security Council Nikolay Patrushev will meet in Jerusalem, to discuss regional security issues,” the White House press secretary said in a statement.

The meeting is expected to center around the security threat to Israel of Iranian entrenchment in Syria close to Israel’s border and will also address the expected withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.

In response to the announcement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “I proposed to [U.S. President Donald] Trump and [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to form a U.S.-Russia-Israel trilateral committee that would meet in Jerusalem to discuss the security situation in the Middle East and both of them agreed. This is unprecedented. A meeting like has never taken place before in Israel. Never.”




俄羅斯衛星通訊社華盛頓5月30日電 美國白宮新聞處稱,總統國家安全事務助理約翰∙博爾頓計劃於6月在耶路撒冷會見俄羅斯安全會議秘書尼古拉∙帕特魯捨夫和以色列國家安全顧問梅爾∙本∙沙巴特(Meir Ben Shabbat),商討地區安全問題。




